I'm awake

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*yui speaking*

After I healed Uki, everything went black. I had no idea what was going on until I heard voices around my body.

"shes not dead, you can still save her" a little girls voice mumbled

"they think I'm dead?" I thought

"that wont work" said the girl

Then I felt someone lift me up and place me on their lap. Then I felt lips on my lips and liquid running down my throat and then I was able to move. I swallowed all the liquid and then the person who had been kissing me pulled away. I opened my eyes and saw Uki. I was so confused.

"how did you save me" I asked

"how could it be anything but love?" he asked.

Then he kissed me again.

"Mummy?" said a voice from behind me.

I turned to look at who it was and standing there in the door way was Maria. I sat up and said "maria"

She ran over and gave me the biggest hug ever. I hugged her back and said "I finally get to properly meet you"

After me and Maria stopped hugging, I went upstairs to get changed. It was a little bit difficult to walk but Uki helped me. When we got upstairs and into my room I picked out some clothes and got changed. While I did Uki and I talked.

"I was thinking" I said "if Maria and Shino are going to be living here, maybe we should share a room"

"huh?" he said

"well I mean.. eh... its just this is only a 3 bedroom house and well.. you know" I said "you promised that you would, you know" I said as I started to blush

"I think its a great idea" he said "I was actually going to suggest it myself but I thought that you would hate it"

"why would you think that?" I asked

"I'm not sure actually" he said

"well, it doesn't matter, I'm just happy you said yes" I said

We headed back downstairs to talk to Shino about the house and how we wanted it decorated.

"so Shino, about the house" said Uki "Me and Yui are going to share a room"

"what, really?" he asked

"yeah" said Uki

"we are going to give Maria my old room and you the bigger room on the downstairs" I said

"That sounds good" said Shino.

"Hey, Maria. Do you want to go see your new room" asked Uki

"really?" she asked

"yeah, come on, lets go" said Uki

So Maria and Uki went up to my room.

"hey, Yui?" said Shino

I turned round and looked at him.

"when I change into human form, I will just be an ordinary 10 year old boy. Don't get me wrong, I will be able to turn back into a god when ever you want but I wont be in control any more" he said "my mind will change into just a normal 10 year old boy's mind"

"no" I said "that cant happen"

"huh, why not" he asked

"if that was to happen, you wouldn't be the Shino we know" I said "You would be an annoying 10 year old boy"

"your right" he said "i will just get rid of the wings, and luckily, because i could already fly, i wont need the wings to continue doing so"

"great" i said

"The rooms amazing" Said Maria from behind me.

I turned round "im glad you like it" i said

She ran over, smiling while she did. She stood infront of me, i took her hand.

"what do you say we go decorate it?" i said

"yeah!" she yelled

Shino giggled and stood up.

"lets go then" he said

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