The ceremony

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*month's later, Ukinari speaking*

The day after I proposed, we started planning for the wedding. It was exhausting, but the look on Yui's face was worth it. She was so happy and excited. So was Maria, when we told her, her face lit up. She explained to me that Yui had been worried, so much so, she got sick. I guess I didn't give off the best vibe. But it didn't matter. When we finally finished planning, We had only a weak until the wedding. 7 days. It was crazy, I was getting married at 18 years old. I didn't care though. Age didn't matter any more. When our wedding day rolled around, I was so excited. My best man was the owner of the shops, son, Max. He was 21 and really tall. As for Yui, her brides maid, and flower girl was Maria. We were getting Married In a giant church, which was beside a 5 star hotel. We decided that we would hold the ceremony in the church and have the after party, and get ready for the wedding in the hotel. We also decided to stay in the hotel over night, instead of going home after the wedding. Max and I were in the hotel, getting ready for the wedding.

"Dude" he said "you are crazy"

"How am I?" I asked as I tightened my bow-tie.

"Correct me if I'm wrong" he said "but aren't you 18?"

"yeah" I said "your point is?"

"You mean you actually don't think you are too young?" he asked

"look, max" I said "if I thought I was too young, I wouldn't of proposed"

"But..." he said

I turned away from the mirror to look at him.

"have you ever been in love before?" I asked

"um... no" he said

"Then you wouldn't understand" I said.

I then looked at the round clock, hanging on the pearly white wall.

"Oh my God!" I yelled "we are going to be late"

He glanced up at the clock and panic struck. We both grabbed everything we needed and bolted out the room. Max turned round and locked the door before sliding the key into his blazer pocket. We then bolted for the church. We ended up getting there just in time. We ran in and up to the alter.

"your late" the priest whispered

"I know, we lost track of time" I whispered back.

He then rolled his eye's and gestured towards the organ player to start. Music began to echo through the building. Then through the doors came Maria. She was wearing a white dress, had her hair in a bun, had white glasses on and was carrying a basket of pink and red rose petals. She walked slowly to the alter, throwing rose petals as she did. When she finally stopped at the opposite side of the alter from me, i looked over at her. She gave me a smile before turning to look at the doors. I followed her gaze and saw a shadow, edging towards the door. I straightend my back and waited. Then Yui walked round the corner. She was breathe taking. She was wearing a long, flowey dress. It was white with flower lacing covering the skirt. She had her hair up in a ponytail, with small strands hanging at the sides of her face. She also had a long vale, hanging over the front of her face, white roses on the headband part. She was holding a buque in her hands. It consited of red and pink roses. She contineud walking towards the alter, one stride at a time. When she arrived at the alter, she handed the buque to Maria. She then turned to look at me.

"We are gathered her today, to join Yui sisaki, and Ukinarari Sinsinati in holy matramony" The priest continued. Then came the vows.

"Uki" said Yui "You are my sun on the greyest of days, The Music that i always dance to. You are the one, who dries my eyes, no matter how many tears have fallen from them. You are my hero. You have never failed me. Not in making me smile, not in making me laugh, not in saving my life. I dont know what i would do without you"

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