Home sweet Home

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It was the day we were released from the hospital. Shino summoned the same carriage from Uki's big adventure, and 5 baby seats. We strapped them in and head home. We got some strange looks from other people, as they were driving around in cars. When we arrived home, I felt relief. It had only been a few days, but I missed home. I felt safe there, happy. It was the place were I grew up, learned how to control my powers, fell in love, almost... well, maybe It wasn't to safe. It felt safe though. Plus, when I woke up, Uki changed al the locks and added extra security to the house. As we walked up to the dark, quiet shell of a house, shivers went down my spine. Just as they did, uki walked over to the front door and pushed in the key. He turned it, and pushed down the handle, revealing a dusty kitchen and living room. I slowly wandered in, two car seats in hand with babies in them.

"wow" I said "its so... different"

I walked over to the kitchen table and carefully put the car seats on it.

"are you telling me that you miss your hospital room?" asked Uki

"God no!" I said as I unbuckled the Babies "I guess I have just never seen it this dirty"

I lifted the babies up and held them, one in each arm. Uki then put another two car seats on the table and lifted the girls out of them.

"what about when you woke up?" he asked

"uki, the house wasn't dirty or messy when I woke up" I said, confused.

"but... there was nobody here to clean up" he said

Maria then walked in and put the last car seat on the table. She then unbuckled Keirai, and lifted her up.

"well, that's in the past" I said, going back to the conversation.

"I guess your right" he said "and I know why you have never seen this house dirty"

We walked into the living room and sat down.

"what would that be?" I asked

"babe" he said "you are a cleaning freak"

"ughh" I snapped "I am not"

"you are" he said "you always have been, always will be"

"ju- just shut up!" I yelled

Then I realised that both Uki and Maria were laughing.

"whats so funny?" I asked

"well, I'm laughing at your anger" said Uki

"I'm laughing at Shino" said Maria as she pointed to the front door.

We both followed her finger and saw Shino, standing in the door way, covered by bags. His face was covered and he was stumbling around. Uki and I joined Maria, and started laughing. Shino then realised that we were laughing and dropped all the bags. He crossed his arms and smiled an annoyed smile.

"you guys suck" he said

"c'mon" said Uki "lets go put the girls to bed"

"I'm not tired though" said Maria

"not you, silly" he said

I stood up and took Keirai off of Maria, so that I could put her to bed. Uki and I then headed to the nursery and lay all the babies down in their cribs.

"goodnight girls" I whispered as I shut the door. I was about to walk away, when all of a sudden Uki grabbed my arm and pulled me into the haul closet, shutting the door behind us.

"uki!?!?!" I yelled, scared and confused.

"you said the house was tidy when you woke up" he whispered

"what?" I asked

"someone must have tidied it up, but who?" he asked himself.

He continued mumbling to himself, and it was making me worried.

"uki, uki" I said, trying to get his attention "UKI!!"

He looked at me.

"what are you talking about?" I asked.

"Someone was in the house, near you, when you were vulnerable and alone. We don't know what they might of done" he said

"Uki" I said "you are reading to much into this"

"no, I'm not" he said "They could have hurt you, did... stuff, to your body"

"Uki, I'm fine" I said "like I said, its in the past. Whoever it was left, and hasn't come back. They caused me no pain, that I know of, and I know that if they had, you would have dealt with it by now"

"but...-" he said, I cut him off by sliding my hands along his cheeks.

"no buts" I said "I'm safe, and unharmed"

I then went on my toes and kissed him.

"now, c'mon, lets go and hang out with our family" I said.

He smiled and nodded, but I could tell that it was still bothering him. To be honest, it bothered me to, but Uki was losing it, I couldn't add to that by letting him know I felt the same. We walked into the living room and saw that Maria was upset.

"Maria" I said "whats wrong?"

"it was me" she said

"what?" we asked at the same time.

"Ever since I can remember, I had dreams of being in a house. There were two people there, but... I couldn't see their faces. I could see them and interact with things, but they couldn't see me. I would be in the house for hours, and could control what I was doing. I always enjoyed the dreams because I was miserable, and the people were always happy. Then, one day, after I met daddy, I had the dream again. I was happy that I was going to see the happy couple, but... instead, I saw a dark, dusty and messy house. It was so quiet. I walked into the living room of the house, and I saw the girl laying lifeless on the couch. I was confused, but... I had no way of waking myself up. So, I decided that I would clean and tidy the usually bright and happy house. I wanted it to look like what it normally did. When I had cleaned as much as I could, I sat down beside the girl. I wished so much that I knew what her face looked like, and I also wanted to know what had happened. Why the boy was gone? Why this house was in such a mess? why the girl wasn't waking up? When I woke up, I completely forgot about the dream, but... when I heard you two arguing, it all came back to me. I don't know how, or why I was actually in your house, and why I couldn't see your faces, or why you couldn't see me, but I thought that I was dreaming, I didn't think that what I was doing would actually effect anyone. From me tampering with the house, I scared you and Daddy half to death. I'm sorry" Said Maria

I was relieved but also happy. Over the time of Us knowing Maria, there has been so many signs that we were meant to be with her. First of all, she had powers, second of all, she hated her biological parents, and third of all, her soul literally came to our house, for hours at a time. Our house was her happy place.

"there is no reason to be sorry" said Uki "I am glad that it was you"

"you are?" she asked

"of coarse" he said "its just another sign that we were meant to end up together as a family"

She smiled and hugged us. The moment she did, I got excited. Excited for more signs to appear, and for us to find comfort in the fact that they do.

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