The prophecy

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The next day I showed Shinomia yui and asked him if he knew how to save her.

"wow, That guy really pulled a number on her" Shinomia said "let me think... well there are 2 options"

"what are they" I asked.

"Either you have to sacrifice yourself or find a flower that has been unseen for over 3,000 years" He said.

"Do you know were this flower is?" I asked.

"yes" he replied.

"Good, then lets good find it" I said

"Great idea, or it would be if it wasn't on the other side of the country" he said

"why is that a problem" I asked "I mean I tamed an all mighty helper fairy, so how hard cou-"

"helper fairy?!?!" Shinomia said "I'm not a helper fai- wait don't tell me that, oh my god"

"Shinomia, what is it?" I asked. He was pacing back and forth talking to himself under his breath.

"Shinomia!" I shouted " whats wrong?"

"Ukinari, I'm not a fairy, I'm a GOD!" he said

"you're a what" I said "but you said that you were a fairy"

"no, I said that I was a god in the form of a fairy" he said

"no you didn't" I said

"look that doesn't matter, Other than me saying that I was, why did you think I was a fairy" He asked

"I thought you were a fairy because I used the chant to summon a helper fairy" I said

"wait, you used a fairy summoning chant?" he asked

"yes" I said

"wait, Do you have a nick-name?" he asked

"yes, uki" I said

"and what did you say the girls name was?" he asked

"yui" I said

"Oh my god, the prophecy was right" he said

"what prophecy?" I asked

"There is a prophecy that a young man and a young lady meet and gain un-natural abilities. They then go on to live together and fall in love when one day they are ripped apart by a man with a gun. The young man goes on a long quest with a god to save the young maidens life, so that they can be reunited and live happily ever after, The young man and ladies names were, Uki and Yui." he said

"Yui and me are part of a prophecy?" I asked

"yes, and in the prophecy it also sais that the god that the man travels with was summoned by a fairy chant instead of a god spell. This is possible but it only happens 1 out of 100,000,000 times." he said.

so there it was. Yui and me were part of a prophecy. And Shinomia said that we lived happily ever after. That was music to my ears. That was all I had wanted since the day we met.

"wait, whats happening" Shinomia said. I looked over at him. He was holding a smart phone but on the back it had a "G" on it. He was starring down at the screan with utter confusion and heart-break in his face.

"whats wrong" I asked

"the prophecy just changed" he said as he looked up at me with tears in his eyes. "she only has 13 days to live"

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