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Its been a week since we found out that I was pregnant. Everyday was getting more exciting, but we still hadn't told anyone, Maria especially. Knowing her, she would get really excited, and if the baby died, she would be crushed. But, we were planning to tell her that night. We thought that we were far enough along. So that night, we sat in the living room and shouted her down. She came running down the stairs, dandy as usual. She skipped into the living room and sat down on the couch across from us.

"we have something important to tell you" said Uki

"have any guesses?" I asked

"um...I'm going back to school?" she asked

"god no" Uki and I said at the same time.

"are we moving?" she asked

"nope" I said

"can I get a hint?" she asked

"ok... well, you know max and erin?" I asked

"yeah, what about them?" she asked.

"well, what is Erin to Max?" I asked

"she's his big sis...ter... wait, are you...?" she asked

"yep" I said

"Maria, you are going to be a big sister" said Uki.

"no way" she said as excitement grew on her face.

"yes way" said Uki

"how long until it is born?" she asked

"about 8 months and a weak from now" I said

"I can wait 8 months" she said

"so..." I said "are you hoping for a little brother or a little sister?"

"I would really like a little sister" she said

"I want another girl to" I said "but if its a boy, I will love it just as much"

"I don't care what gender it is" said Uki.

"I'm going to be the best big sister ever" said Maria

"we know you are" I said

*huge time skip*

Months later, we were getting closer. Like I said before, each day was getting more exciting, and also, I was getting bigger. I seemed to be getting really big, too big for this early on in the pregnancy. Luckily, we had a scan that week. I was hoping it would be able to see why I was so big.

When we went for the scan, we walked into the doctors and to the front desk.

"Appointment for the Sinsinati's" I said

The lady sitting behind the desk, typed on her keyboard, then looked at us.

"The doctor will call you soon" she said, with a welcoming smile on her face "if you would like to sit down while you wait, there are seats over there"

She pointed across the room to the 3 rows of red seats.

"thak you" Uki said before we walked over to the seats.

We sat down and waited. We had got there early, so we had to wait a while. I watched as the clock ticked on the wall.

"Yui?" a female voice said from beside us.

I swung my head round and stood up.

"that's me" I said

Uki stood up as she gestured to follow her. We walked in her shadow as she lead us to a room. In that room was a scanning machine and a table.

"if you could just hop up on the table, we can begin" said the doctor.

I walked over and climbed on. She sat down on a stool beside the table, and I once again felt the cold, metal circle on my skin.

"relax" said the doctor.

So I tried to relax my stomach, which was difficult because it tensed up any time she moved the circle. After a few minutes later she gasped.

"what? is something wrong with the baby?" Uki asked

"nothings wrong" she said "the baby is fine, or should I say... Babies"

"what?" we asked at the same time.

"I know why you are bigger that usual" said the doctor "its because, there is more than one baby"

I smiled in joy.

"we are have twins?" I asked, happy.

I looked at Uki who was surprised, but happy.

"no" said the doctor

We both looked at her, confused.

"triplets?" asked Uki

"no" said the doctor "quintuplets"

"quintuplets!?!?!" we yelled at the same time

"you are going to have 5 babies" said the doctor

I smiled. This was going to be amazing. A big family, just like we wanted.

"Oh my God" said Uki with a smile on his face "that's amazing"

"do you have the genders?" I asked

Me and Uki had agreed that we wanted to know the gender, or now, the genders.

"yep" said the doctor "do you want to know?"

"could you maybe put it in an envelope?" I asked "so that we can open it at home with our daughter"

"yeah" she said "I will go get some"

So the doctor left the room. A few minutes later, she came back with 5 separate envelopes.

"each of these are the gender of one baby" she said.

"thank you, so much" I said as I took them from her hand.

"no problem" she said

After that we left to head home. When we got home we shouted Maria down.

"Maria" we shouted "we have the gender of the baby"

Maria then came running down the stairs at the speed of light. We all sat in the living room and placed the envelopes down on the coffee table.

"Pick one" I said to Maria

"ok" she said.

She then reached out and picked up the envelope that had the number 2 on it. She handed it to me. I smiled and started slowly tearing it open. we closed our eyes and reached in and pulled out a sheet of paper.

"3... 2... 1... open your eyes" said Uki

We all opened our eyes and there, in my hand, was a piece of paper with the words.

"Its a girl!" on it

My eyes teared up and I gasped in excitement, as to did Maria and Uki.

"we are having a girl" said Uki

"I'm going to have a little sister" said Maria

We all hugged and laughed.

"there are still more" said Uki

"lets open them" I said

We then opened the rest, and were shocked at the results. We were going to have 5 girls. I was so happy, and so was Uki. He was happy because he was better with girls than with boys. Maria was over the moon. 5 sisters to play doll with her, get advice from her and just do girly things.

"you know what we have to do now" said Uki

"what?" I asked

"pick out names" he said

We spent weeks picking names. Arguing, changing our minds, but we ended up agreeing on the most perfect names.

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