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Its been a week since Uki's Birthday now. He seemed happy, until the next day. Ever since then he has been acting strange. He has been leaving for hours on end, isn't talking much and has been very jumpy. I think he may be cheating on me. I want to trust him, I really do, but... the way he is acting. If more clues emerge, I will confront him, but for now I will stay quiet. I was sitting in the living room, reading, when I heard Footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Uki?" I shouted

"Yeah?" he souted back

"nothing" I shouted "just checking it was you"

I then heard Him grab his key's and wallet from the kitchen table. He then started heading for the front door.

"Uki, where are y- Never mind" I stopped. I didn't want him to think of me as the 'suspicious' girlfriend. The one that never trusts the guy.

Uki continued walking to the door and left. A sick feeling took over my body. I was so worried. Had I done something to hurt him? had I annoyed him? or maybe he really is cheating. I all of a sudden felt sick to my stomach. I stood up and stumbled, as fast as I could to the bathroom. I fell to my knees and emptied my stomach into the toilet. I pulled my head away from the toilet and turned to lean against the wall. Tears started streaming down my face. I sniffled through my tears as I sobbed, on the bathroom floor. At the time I thought that Maria was playing in the garden, but she was actually watching me. She had been watching me the whole day. I didn't notice her though, she was hiding, out of site, or in other words, invisible. I sat there sobbing for another 2 or 3 minutes before wiping away my tears and heading for the shower. Before I got in, I placed a force field around the house, to ensure that Maria would be safe. I then took off my clothes and climbed in. After I washed the puke out of my hair, I got out and went to check on Maria. I looked out the window and sure enough she was there, or at least I thought she was. I then headed back to the living room and got out my phone to call Uki. I unlocked the phone and dialled Uki's number. I waited a few seconds before hearing the kitchen table vibrate, and Uki's ringtone ecoed through the house.

"he must of forgot his phone" I said

I stood up and walked into the kitchen. I cancelled the call and walked over to the table. I picked up the phone. I was about to put it back down but then I got curious.

"Maybe there is proof on here" I thought.

I turned on the phone and typed in the passcode, which I knew was the day he met Maria. I was about to push down the first number, but then.

"wait" I thought "what if there is proof? what if he really has been cheating on me? Do I really want to know? I don't, I do"

Then I remembered something that Uki told me, our first winter living together. I was really sick, really, really sick. Uki had been taking care of me the whole time. He was being so kind and sweet, but he told me that I couldn't go out in the cold. That upset me because I so badly wanted to play in the snow, before it all melted away. I argued with him for ages about it, but he held his ground. Later that same day, Uki left to buy me some medicine, so I decided to go out and play In the snow while he wasn't there to stop me. So I got out of bed and walked downstairs. I opened the door and went outside, into the freezing, cold snow. I think I would have been fine if I had put some warmer clothes on, but I wasn't thinking straight so I ended up going out in just a short sleeve shirt and shorts. So after a few minutes, I ended up fainting. I woke up not to long after. I was freezing. My lips were blue, my skin had frost spreading over it. And I was alone.

"this is how I'm going to die" I thought

Then I heard footsteps crunching through the snow. They stopped for a second before speeding up in my direction. I then felt warm arms wrap around me and pull me up. I was shivering like crazy, So much the person holding me could barely hold me still. I then felt a hat cover my head and a jacket wrap around my body. The person then pulled me close and hugged me tight, heating me with the heat from their body.

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