Chapter Two

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Chapter Two: The Start

Friday came faster than I was ready before and I was back in the same car that I was in just days earlier. Tim seemed to be a little overwhelmed with the fast pace environment and I could only imagine what it was like to be him right now.

Today I was meeting with a couple of other idols who would also be helping the boys make their debut. There was going to be another dancing coach there who I would be working with and I had no idea who it would be and what to expect.

The women I had contacted about my wardrobe had gotten back to me saying I had a full wardrobe to wear during filming and out of for the media. We were meeting in a building to talk about everything and getting a little insight into the group of boys that we will be helping. I still had no idea who I would be working with and I was nervous as last season there was a couple of big names as the trainers.

Walking into the building with Tim, it seemed that I was the first one who arrived seeing nobody else near the table. "The others will be here soon you can go sit," Tim said motioning to the table.

I wasn't exactly sure how long I was there for before another person walked into my mouth falling open at the sight. Cheetah walked with a smile on her face when she saw me, "they brought you back thank god" she said giving me a huge smile. "I was always cheering for you," she said taking one of the seats.

"Thank you so much, it feels so weird to be here," I said speaking formally.

"No need for formalities were on the same side this time," she said.

I nodded and we started to speak about what we were doing over the last year. It was nice to know that I knew someone here

Kahi walked in next another person I knew from the first season of producer 101. I owed her a lot for everything she had done to help me learn to sing something that I had never done before. "Look at you," she said her eyes widening as she looked me up and down.

From the last time she had seen me I had put on a little muscle finning up my body so it was in mint condition. "Thank you, I'm happy to be here," I said giving her a smile.

Two others arrived both male and one of them I could recognize anywhere because I looked up to him for so long. Kwon Jae-Seung is a huge dancer that every Korean knew the name of, and he was one of my idols.

"Ah, they managed to get Hana. I look forward to working with you" Jae-Seung said holding his hand out for me to shake.

I was in a slight daze as I shook his hand not being able to say anything. "I'm sorry I'm just in a bit of shock," I said giving him a slight smile.

The group laughed, and I couldn't believe that I was actually seen on the same level as this group of people. It was definitely weird to be on the opposite side of the cameras for a change and I was really looking forward to this.

"Well, I'm glad you all already know each other" a female voice broke in causing us to turn.

I had to cover my mouth as Boa stood at the door "Sorry fangirling" I said causing the group to break into laughter again.

"It's nice to meet you, Hana, I was a fan of IOI," she said.

I gave a little shriek not even thinking that she would know who my group was even less of being a fan.

"Should we get down to business?" she said taking her seat at the head of the table.

And with that, we were handed a list of paper with one hundred and one names and their company. We talked a little bit about a couple of the trainees such as Nu'est before moving to what we would be doing during filming.

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