Chapter 1

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Before yall start with this book, let me just tell you that I had never expected this book to blow up the way it did. This was written back when I was new into the fandom and yall will find the old references which we as a fandom might not use anymore so don't be offended at it. You can cringe though.
I was a kid and wrote this book casually without thinking it might get any attention from readers which is why I introduced a character without calling her y/n. Now that few people did point that out, I'm still not gonna change it. Why?
1. That's a lot of work.
2. This was my first book that I've ever published on wattpad, I just want it to stay the way it is.

Anyways, happy reading.


Park Eun Sang (Y/N)'s P.O.V. :

I heaved out a sigh while I cleaned my knife with a cloth from the store.

Today I had collected a lot of canned stuffs and ramen cups from this specific store, it's tiresome because I had to kill four walkers who were randomly walking and growling in here.

I tossed the blood stained cloth on the floor and fixed the knife in my torso of my jeans and walked out cautiously with the bag on my shoulders.

A yawn escaped my mouth when I came near another store at the end of the alley. I didn't mind much and thought of taking another road because I had enough supplies of food , water and necessary stuffs atleast for  two days.
I turned to move, suddenly I heard someone yelling.
It was not an inhumane growl but more like someone( a human) screamed.
Maybe a survivor.
Should I help?
Or not?

I was busy thinking when I heard the scream again, it was then when I made a move and ran inside the store , being cautious about the surrounding.

As soon as I entered I found five men, no, they were seven. They were trying to escape the clutches of the two zombies who were almost hovering over them.
The 6 of them were hidding behind the one with mint- coloured hair guy. It felt like I have seen them before but I can't remember where and when.
The mint- haired guy was holding a baseball bat in his hand and he looked like he would surely hit a shot but with what I can see, his hands were shaking.
Behind him I spot another guy who was the one yelling and was almost at the verge of crying.
All of them looked tired and were really worried.
Geez, I have to help.

I called out to them.
All of their eyes shot up to me including the Walkers'.
"Don't worry I'll handle them" I said and tried my best to smile.

They were utterly shocked and were staring at me when I ran to the zombies pulling out my knives from my waist and mercilessly inserting them in their skulls.
When they fell down dead I tried searching for a cloth in the store and then cleaned those knives before fixing them again in my jeans.

I turned my head towards those 7 people who were standing there quietly now.

"Hi" I said politely.
They looked at each other and then one of them finally spoke.
"Hi, nice to meet you ."
I grinned and looked at them closely . My eyes widened suddenly.
They looked confused at my expression.
"Bangtan Soneyeondan?" the words came out of my mouth.
Their eyes widened as well and then they smiled.
"Are you an ARMY?" the one whom I adored as 4D Alien, Kim Taehyung asked.
I nodded my head.
All of them gasped.
I giggled .
"Well, my name is Park Eun Sang" I introduced myself.
They nodded as I told them not to introduce cause I already knew who they were .

"So how did you guys escape this apocalypse ? It was almost two weeks ago." I asked as all of us started walking down another alley to my hideout.
"We were at the fan meeting, it was then when we heard people yelling and suddenly there was a rush among the people inside the hall. Our staffs pulled us out and asked us to stay inside the car but there was no driver so we were waiting for him-" suddenly Jimin started coughing while speaking.
I took out a bottle of water and tossed it to him.
"Thanks", he said after sipping it down.
"Then we saw some people running towards our car from the opposite entry. They didn't look like humans" Jungkook completed what Jimin was saying.
"Then I rushed to the driver's seat and drove away our car. We realized that it was a zombie apocalypse." Jin said catching up to my speed.
"Then you guys have wandered around this place, right?" I asked. All of them nodded in sync.
I felt sorry for my idols, they have to go through so many things....not only them but all the survivors. All of them and me as well.
"So where are we going to Sang-ah?" Jhope asked.
"To my house." I replied.
"Is it really safe?" RM asked me.
I smiled and nodded as we started walking cautiously, hiding behind the buildings and the silently parked cars whenever we saw a zombie or two. Soon we turned to another road to find a big house with a big lawn.
I stopped in my tracks. They understood that this was my house.
"Woah, Sang -ah , you are rich!" Taehyung commented.
I smiled as I opened the big oak door.
"Welcome to my hideout, BTS!"

Survive ! (BTS x Reader)【 Zombie Apocalypse】Where stories live. Discover now