Chapter 13

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Jungkook's P.O.V.:

"What the hell was that?" Yoongi hyung asked as he plopped his body on the couch.
Everyone was tired, back in the car none spoke and it felt like I was holding my breath during the ride.

There were thousands of questions going through my brain as I rested my tired self on the couch, beside Jimin hyung.
Eun-ah returned after she locked the door and followed us to the hall, her face was full with nervousness but was ready to tackle  with the questions which was soon going to bombard her.
"So..." she stated with an awkward laugh, " it was really tiring, right?"
"Yeah, but I gotta ask you something." Jhope hyung asked raising his right hand in the mid air as if he was in school.
"Yeah", Eun-ah sighed, "I am ready."
"So how do you know the lady, Ji Hae?" RM hyung asked glaring daggers at her.
"I met her five days after the outbreak."she replied and then glanced at us, soon she averted her eyes, I am sure that I noticed tears in them.
"She killed Hye In."
"Who is Hye In?" Yoongi hyung inquired.
Sighing for almost the millionth time today she looked at us with a face full of confidence and remorse, both at the same time.
I am amazed by how her expression changes with just a sigh.

"A friend..."

Two days after the outbreak, 4:36 pm.
Park Eun Sang 's P.O.V.:
A screeching sound in the hollow space almost took my breath away.
I didn't know how I ended up in the mall  but somehow I did.
The sky was darkening as I was too busy to escape the zombies that I totally forgot about a stuff called 'time'.
"Anyone in there?" I called as I stood in my old defensive position with the knives, I still didn't get over with my mom's death and look at me now.
I was very tired as all day long I was escaping all the Walkers and finding necessary things but this mall, it's full of freaking zombies and also the stuffs I need.
Running away , I found an aisle behind which was a big glass door, the light from the setting sun featured the dresses inside the room.
I couldn't see anyone in there so I just tip toed , balancing my clumsy ass to avoid hitting anything around which would attract the zombies, it was a lot in here.

A stupid screeching sound pulled me out of my dreamy gazes from the dresses inside the room.
"Come out now," I called again to the who-knows-what out there.

There was a long pause which was kinda hysterical to me , even though it didn't last for that long until a figure jumped out from behind a counter.
"AH!!!" I screamed and soon pulled my hand to cover my mouth as soon as I yelled.
It was a girl with soft ,pink ,dyed hair and brown eyes, she had a mocking tone on them. Her skin was tanned and a bit far from pale.
A black jeans, white shirt and brown boots was all that she had on her.
"W-Who are you?" I asked, actually horrified by my own scream.
She blinked at me and finally opened her mouth to speak
"Are you bitten?"
I rolled my eyes as I realized that she totally ignored my question.
I shook my head.
"Oh," then she looked around before whispering," but I am."
My eyes widened as I returned back to my position,"Stay where you are!"
But she ignored again and walked towards me.
"It was two days ago, I tried to save a kid, but this world is not a good place for kind people like us...the kid bit me."
She gently touched her left, upper-arm, noticing properly, I could see a blood stain there, the white shirt clearly displayed it all.
"Why didn't you turn into one of them?" I croaked.
She shrugged, so she did hear me this time.
"Do you think that I am Ellie form The Last Of Us?" She asked as she stopped walking and creepily stared at me.
"Y-You are an immune?" I asked, my voice was unknowingly betraying me.
Her blank face didn't reply anything and she slowly walked past me after nodding at my question.

"By the way, nice to meet you, I am Kim Hye In."

Hello readers, so finally I  introduced this mysterious girl to u guys, thank you for reading and voting.
Stay tuned for the other chapters and please do comment.

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