Chapter 17

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"Aren't we lucky that our car broke down in the middle of nowhere?" Suga frustratedly asked.
For a moment it seemed like everyone ignored his question.
He huffed when he realized everyone actually ignored him.

"Ah jinja, the town looks devastated." RM finally said something.

" RM finally said something

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"Yeah right." Taehyung agreed.
"And I guess we are walking on the right path." Jin showed the map he was holding to Jimin.
They got the map from Eun-ah's brother's room along with some ammunitions.
Jimin nodded in confirmation.
"The shitty car betrayed us." Suga still continued while the rest giggled.
"Suga-ssi , it was a car that we stole, what more do you expect from it?" Eun-ah said in between her giggles.
Initially Suga would've scoffed but hearing Eun-ah's cute voice he kept quite as a tint of red spreaded across his face.
"You'll be fine, I didn't  gave you the revolver for nothing." Eun-ah assured Suga.
He kept quite and just nodded.
Actually he was happy that she trusted him with the revolver.
"And you trust me with this rifle?" Taehyung asked holding up the weapon in the air while they walked.
"Wae? What is it doing with you?" Eun asked as she took it from his hand and gave it to Jungkook.
"Now that's better." She continued.
V pouted.
"Taehyung-ssi, take this metal rod, I have two, one for you and the other one for me."
Taehyung took the rod and smiled a big , wide smile for her, in return she chuckled which made others to look back at them.
" By the way I am happy to get this baseball bat." Jhope said looking at them.
"Yeah, but you gotta fight, don't hesitate." RM adviced.
He nodded back.

"Oh look a store!" Jungkook exclaimed as they came near a wretched out store.
"Let's check."

The store was literally wretched, what else can you expect in a zombie apocalypse.

"Did you get anything useful in here?" Jimin asked as he searched by the counter.
"No!" Everyone responded.
"Look here's a back door......and it kinda leads to another road. It is totally...err, destroyed."

Everyone turned to see Eun-ah standing near a broken glass door which was showing the scenery outside

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Everyone turned to see Eun-ah standing near a broken glass door which was showing the scenery outside.
"Let's not go there anymore, we can't waste our time in here, can we?" RM suggested and pulled her away from there.

"Grrr..." A low growl broke everyone's hope.
"Sshhh!" Eun asked everyone to quite down.
The growl became louder.
"What the f-" Suga cut off himself when he realized that the sound was coming from behind him.
He gulped and looked towards the others.
Jin was already glaring at the thing which was standing behind him, others were no better.
"What are you guys standing for-" he was again cut off with a loud noise.


A bullet gushed into the store penetrating the zombie 's forehead from the left along with the blood that rushed out, sending the zombie a bit in the air while it's body crashed to the counter.
Suga trembled as he saw the bullet from his left peripheral vision.
Everything went quite again, everyone  was quite.

Eun-ah's expression changed.


"WHAT!?" Everyone literally screamed when they heard her uttering that guy's name who was standing half way in the entrance.
"Nice to meet you, baby girl." He smirked.
Eun snickered.
"Shut up!"
"Are you angry at me?" He continued as he tried walking towards her.
"Stay away!"
Suga interrupted.
"Yeah, don't you come near." Jungkook said as well.
"You've got so many friends, Ji Hae was right." Reinor gave out a laugh.
"So that bitch is alive?" Suga asked with a smirk.
Reinor was finally ticked of with Suga.
Immediately he landed a punch on his face which made Suga to fall down on the titled floor.
"Suga hyung!" Everyone screamed.
"You jerk!" Jungkook started  speed walking towards Reinor but Reinor now aiming his gun at Jungkook.
Everyone's eyes widened.
"No jungkook, move!"

Everything went slow.

The whole of BTS never thought that this guy  would do this all of a sudden. No one thought that he would do this.



A tear slipped down Eun's eyes as the bullet left the gun's mouth and hit the prey.


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