Chapter 7

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Jungkook's P.O.V.:
"No , you don't get it."
"Get what?"
Her voice was different.
I slowly rolled up my sleeve to show a bite.
Her eyes widened and she gasped.
"A-A bite?"
I bit my lip.
"It is from yesterday when that girl jumped on me."
She ignored what I said and moved away from me.
I was taken aback but I knew it was coming.
I knew she would be like this if I said her about this, she will ask me to leave the house and join the Walkers outside. Now all I have to do is to wait for the hyungs to agree and throw me out of  the house.
"Eun-ah I -" I was about to say that I wanna leave the house but she ignored me again and ran upstairs.
I sighed and dried my cheeks.

"Jungkook?" A voice called.
I looked up to see Eun-ah again but she had a first aid box this time.
"W-What? " I asked.
"Let's apply some first aid." She said bending down in her knees and taking out an antiseptic lotion and some cotton balls.
I was confused by this sudden change in action of hers. A moment ago she was afraid of me but now....
I kept staring at her, it felt as if I was mesmerized by her beautiful and calm expressions until she snapped me with questions.
"Why didn't you tell us before?"she asked angrily.
"I was afraid that you guys might abandon me."
"Do you even know how much bad  this bite could have been?"
"Didn't you even think of sharing it with your hyungs?"
I bit my lip and kept quite.
There was a silence for some seconds but I broke it.
"I can leave the house if you want."
"Pfft. What a joke! You're not leaving."she said, her tone was soft now.
"Aren't you curious , why didn't you change into one of them?" She asked.
This is what I have been asking myself for the past eleven hours.
"No." I said with a shaky breath.
"It has been ten to eleven hours to be exact and a bite like that could have turned you into a zombie in less than three to four hours, maximum five." She explained as she closed the box.
"O-Oh?" I felt like I was a dumb creature, "so what does that mean?"
"That you are an immune."
"What!?" I almost screamed.
I didn't knew if i should be happy or sad about it.
Her smile went wider at my actions then she went back to her normal expression and averted her gaze.
"I've met someone earlier who was an immune too but still she had to die..."
"Did she die from the bite or....?" I trailed off.
"Not from the bite but from a bullet."she said and stood up from her knees.
"A bullet?"

Hii, like I said I published one of the chapter today and I might publish another chapter in two days so chill. This is a short chapter and please vote and comment .

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