Chapter 18

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Park Eun Sang 's P.O.V.:

I screamed.

I don't give a shit even if I attract zombies at this moment.
A loud gasp escaped Jimin 's mouth as his legs trembled.

"JIMIN-ah!" Taehyung and Jhope ran to him and tried their best to support the member who was shot in the left shoulder, near the collar bone.
"W-What?" Jungkook who was now on the ground due to  the impact of Jimin pushing him before the gun shot, was still fresh to the maknae.
"Jimin-hyung!" He ran as tears fell down and he crouched to where all the members were trying their best to stop the blood.
Jimin gasped as pain jolted to all the parts of his body.
"Jimin-sii, stay with us, you'll be fine." I tried to stop the blood by obstructing the flow with my palm.
"That won't help," Jin stated loudly,"we need to take out the bullet."
"Like how?" Suga asked worriedly.
Jin kept quite till tears were noticeable in his eyes.

After a brief pause he spoke,
"I don't...know."

Suga kept staring at his hyung as his hand clutched Jimin 's , they pulled him down to the floor.
"H-Hyung, he won't die, right?" Suga finally asked.
Jhope's eyes widened.
"Will he?"
"No, he wont!" RM shouted at them, "come on, guys, you can't be so negative , Jimin had been through many hardships this bullet is.....just nothing."
I know RM-ssi tried to sound hopeful but he couldn't escape the guilt hidden in his voice.
Tears continued falling down my eyes as I crouched along with the others helplessly and hopelessly.
Each groan stabbed my heart.
Suddenly someone yanked my hair, pulling me up to my feet.
"Yah!" I shouted as I realized that it was that Reinor bastard.
"Leave me you peice of shit!" I continued.
He smirked and glanced at the men standing at the entrance of the the cafe like store.
"You people take a good care of these weak idols, while I take a good care of this princess." He grinned evilly.
"No!" Jungkook shouted and walked towards us but instead received a blow from one of Reinor 's men, he fell down to the ground , groaning.
"No, jungkook-ssi!!!"
The men walked towards them and pulled them apart roughly, beating and kicking each of the members.
"Leave us alone!" I tried to pull away as I saw one of the men threw Jimin side ways as if he was a bag of trash.
Jimin groaned in pain.
But Reinor pulled me instead and silently switched on the gas stove.

The whole of BTS was now receiving blows and kicks and the store filled with their groans and the gas.
"They'll die in peace." Reinor whispered in my ear which ticked me off.
Finally I could pull away my wrist from his grasp and kicked him in his stomach but I got pushed to the counter and the next moment Reinor 's hands were stiffly chocking me to death.
My hands flew everywhere to find something to hit this lunatic man.
"You deserve it, bitch," he hissed as he pulled out a lighter from his pocket.
"I'll let you die in peace too. "
My eyes widened as his thumb pressed the lighter.
But  as for what I remember my legs worked well and I managed to push him apart from me but I was too late as a bright light blinded me, all I could see was Jimin-ssi's face in pain, he has a sympathetic look.



Hello readers, it's me again. Btw, the pictures I used in the last chapter doesn't belong to me. They belong to their rightful owners, anyways I had my exams and I came to know that I received 33.5 out of 50 in maths but my parents aren't happy.
I am not happy as well but science and maths aren't my subjects. I loved your comments last time, seriously, u guys r blessings.
Thank you.

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