Chapter 2

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"This is a really good hideout." Taehyung said looking at the hall which was at its best condition.
I smiled at what he commented. Atleast I didn't had to immolate everything in this cruel ,dead world.
"Why is this place is still in its good condition?" Yoongi finally opened his mouth to speak.
Others were agape to say anything as they plopped their tired bodies on the couch.
"Well, when the outbreak took place, my mom who too got infected, was not in here and the other walkers couldn't enter due to the high fence surrounding this house." I explained as I gulped down the remaining water from the bottle.
"How?" Yoongi asked again.
I was confused.
"How did you escape the apocalypse and what happened to your parents actually?"
"Oh, my dad was in military where he died an unnatural death....I don't know much because it was long before...I was five then..." I gave out an awkward laugh.
All of them looked tensed because of the direction conversation was going to.
I rested my sore body on the couch across them, I tried my best not to look at them so I kept my gaze averted.
"My mother was a doctor and worked in the nearby city hospital, two weeks ago..."

Time skip to two weeks ago when the outbreak took place:

11:45 am:

I thanked the librarian before leaving the library. I was wondering to visit my friend's house when I heard screams and growls from inside the library.
I stood at the entrance thinking to myself that isn't library meant to be a quite place ?
Suddenly I could see the librarian yelling at the top of her lungs and sprinting towards the entrance.
My eyes widened when I found her shirt stained with blood.
She bumped and ran past me while I stood there transfixed by the whole thing.
It was then when I heard some more growls and found few people walking inhumanely with blood stained clothes and devouring on human flesh.
My brain processed everything.
They were ZOMBIES.
My feet worked faster than any other parts of my body and I ran out of the library.
I thought I was holding my breath for quite sometime when I hid myself in one alley to find people around yelling and running while the zombies jumping on them and biting them.
There was a chaos everywhere.

I started to sweat as I took out my phone and dialed my mother's number and called her.

It was ringing but she was not accepting it .

I got worried as tears started to build up my eyes, just then the door of a house, where I was standing in front of, shot open.

I got scared to see a woman, in her blood stained bathing robe and bloodshot eyes walk out slowly.

She was mumbling something.

I slipped my phone inside my pocket, it was then when she pondered over me, I started screaming and tried to push her away but she was too strong. She pushed me to the wall and tried her best to put her teeth on my skin.

I was in lack of air now so I gathered up all my strength and pushed her by her face to the nearby lamp post just to break her skull with it. And I did.

I was huffing and was a mess as I was running towards the hospital with nothing as a weapon.

There were less people and more zombies. I was scared for my mother.

I sprinted towards the entrance catching the attention of the walkers. They growled and ran after me but they were slow as I took the stairs.

I was searching for my mom's office when I found a knife lying on the floor of the corridor and a nurse banging her head on the door of my mother's office room ,which was closed.

I quietly picked up the knife and slowly trailed behind the nurse who was trying her best to bang the door open.

Cautiously, I snaked my arm around her throat, as soon as it sensed me it tried to get free and after that I inserted the knife in her chest and her skull repeatedly as it screamed. I felt bad but I had no other option.

After she fell down lifelessly I heard other growling coming from the corner of the turning so I just opened the door and went inside the office, not taking anymore risks.

I was panting badly so I fell down to my knees after locking the door.


A voice called and I immediately recognized and turned around.


"You shouldn't have come here....are you bitten?" She asked me worriedly.

"No, I was so scared.." I was almost at the verge of crying , I started to walk closer to her.

"NO!" She yelled.

I stopped in my tracks.

"Stay there...." she said sitting down in her chair.

"But I wasn't bit..." I sniffed.

"But I am..."

My eyes widened.

"I don't want you to get bitten, you have to leave and don't come back here."

I didn't knew how to leave and what to say, thinking of my mom who won't be there to help me I feel so isolated.Everything seems to be over now.

"Here's a door", she showed me a door," it connects the the corridor to the storeroom,go down the stairs you will get a backdoor and leave."

Soon she hissed in pain clutching her arm.


I couldn't move until she yelled at me.

"NOW GO!" she was on the floor, groaning in pain.

My visions were getting blurry by now.

I started to move when my mom hissed again looking at me with tears in her eyes.

"Please Eun....please survive."

I nodded my head opening the door and the locking it after I closed it.

I stood there and took a deep breath.

I was running in the almost empty corridor, a knife in my clutches and the sound of my feet on the tiled floor.

I found the store room and opened it and walked inside to find another door with stairs leading me to the back door of the hospital.

Now I was back on the street and hiding behind a parked car when my phone buzzed.

I received the call without seeing the name tag.


Someone yelled.

"Oppa!" I whispered.
"You're fine right?"
"Yeah, but mom...." I stopped, "what about you?"
"I am fine too, listen go back to the house and stay there, I will try to contact you when the military people will come to rescue "
"S-sure, but...?"
"Eun!"he said"I want you to survive..."
That word!
"Yes, I promise I will."
"Good, I will try to contact you later."
He hung up.

When the path was clear suddenly I heard a loud explosion, the ground shook for seconds. A building just right at the corner exploded.
I gulped and ran towards the opposite direction. The explosion attracted all the Walkers so I could run to my house which was a block away now.

I unlocked the door and shut it as soon as I got inside.
Going back to my knees I processed what happened today.

After a minute or two of huffing and sniffing I mumbled something to myself.

"I have to survive!"

End of flashback.

Survive ! (BTS x Reader)【 Zombie Apocalypse】Where stories live. Discover now