Author's Note.

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Lol. I know people will just skip this part cz it's not a chapter but I seriously  , thank you guys, for reading this book and for voting. This means a lot and I would love to know your comments. I was surprised to see 200 reads. I thought that no one will ever go through it as it was not so good at the first  two parts but guess what? I m trying my best.

The next chapter which u guys might long for will be coming in three days as I am not going to publish one chapter but two. I am currently working on two other books which I will publish soon. One of them is a Jungkook fanfic and the other is a horror one. I hope you guys will go through it too. I don't mind if you skip this part cz even I do that sometimes when I am reading a fanfic. Lol.
Thanks once again. Stay tuned and dont hate me.

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