Chapter 21

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It took me few seconds to realize that whatever is in front of my eyes is not a dream and whoever the person is, happens to be my mother about whom I'm sure, was supposed to be dead.

But it's not what it was right now.


My eyes flickered as the words escaped her lips. Her face turned blur as tears soon devoured my eyes.

Is it a dream?

And if it is a dream then I don't wanna come out of it.








"Do you know how much worried I was?"
My mom asked as she pulled the chair and sat, facing me.

For a moment I felt that I was dumb as no words could come out of my mouth.

"Do you know how much worried I was when I heard that you were hit by a car?" She continued.

Hit by a car?

"But thank god you woke up.....three were unconscious for three days, fortunately, you didn't get much wounded, few bruises, no fractures. You were lucky."

I looked at her.
So I met with an accident and I was unconscious for a few days and now that I woke up - what happened to the zombies!? What happened to BTS!?

"Mom, is this even real? Where's BTS? Did you save them too? Where are the zombies? Where is oppa?" I cried out desperately.

"What's wrong, Eun-ah?" She asked as she pulled me into a hug.

"Everything is fine, your brother is at a military camp, did you forget? And for BTS- don't you think that you are too obsessed? Now, what are zombies doing in your dreams?"

"W-What?" My eyes widened.
"What are you saying? It wasn't a dream, it was too real for calling it a dream!"

"Was it, sweetie?"
She furrowed her eyebrows.

I nodded.

"I think you need to relax a bit for now." She smiled and stood up to leave the room.

Just as I thought, she didn't believe me.

But then it struck me!

"Wait, mom!" I called.

She turned around and hummed in response.

"What is the date?"

"Today? Uh, I guess it's  3rd August."

She left the room.

"3rd August?"

As far as I remember the date, there is supposed to be a zombie outbreak two weeks from today.

Then it hit my head.

Did I just visualize the future or was it really a dream?

Author's Note:-

Hello my dear readers, I'm sorry for being late to update, just say there has been a lot going in my life lately ( ahem, exams and marks) so I  was quite busy with stuffs I call "books". As far as I think of this story, I might not end it here in this book. I mean, I was thinking of a sequel, I want you guys to suggest me if I should do it or not. I've been reading your comments and you guys are so worried about the members and Eun-ah, let's say things are going to change a bit and  so will the conditions. Thank you for voting and for reading my books. So it is confirmed that this book will be finished with two or more chapters so stay tuned till then.

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