Chapter 15

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Flashback continuation:
My eyes fluttered as a jolt of pain brought me back into realization.
The floor I was lying on was cold and hard. It wasn't the comfy bed I used to sleep.
The room was dark and sullen.
I blinked to adjust to the nothingness.
Standing weakly up to my feet I started to walk towards the walls, placing my hand on them I tried to trace where the door was.
Trying my best to search for the door I heard a sudden creak, as my eyes travelled backwards from where the sound came from I found a blinding light and a man standing.
"Hey sweetie," his voice raspier than that Reinor guy.
"Shut up."
This is what I could say.
He chuckled roughly while walking towards me.
"Stop" my voice grew weaker as he walked closer and I backed away.
"STOP!" I yelled but he still walked towards me unfazed.
Am I really not scary at all? Seriously?
"S-Stop." My voice betraying me.
"Why are you so scared of me, huh?" His hands slowly went to my shoulder and ran down to my waist , pulling me closer he whispered in my ear," We'll have a great time dear."
My eyes widened as I tried to pull away but he was too strong.
Come on, I'm too young for this you peice of shit!
I couldn't make out his face in the dark room but I knew it wasn't Reinor.
"Let's have a party" he whispered again bringing his face closer to mine, our lips almost touching.


A loud sound interrupted his so called "party".
His eyes widened as he kept staring at my face.
I was confused as his body moved away from me and stumbling it fell down on the tiled floor like a rag doll.
My breath was uneven and eyes focused on him.
"Yah, Eun-ah, how long are you gonna stare at him?"
A voice called me.
Locking my eyes with  known brown hues a smile unknowingly crept my face.
"H-Hye In!"
She had a rifle and her forehead had a stain of dried blood.
"You are alive?"
She nodded.
"I somehow managed to escape the guards once again."
Grabbing my wrist she pulled me out of the room.
"We need to get out of here."
Her voice as cold as steel again.
But somehow it felt comforting to rely on some believe in trust someone....just this once.
"Thanks" I whispered.
"You're welcome siso." She trailed of funnily.
I giggled.

Soon we were rushing out of a dark corridor.
"Where are we?" I asked.
"Don't worry, just this corridor and then we are out." She informed trying to adjust herself in the dark.
"Oh you really think that, huh?" A voice, as dark as the corridor called.
Our steps froze.
Ji Hae.
A sudden light was flashed at our face.
My eyes closed at the impact.
Reinor and JiHae were standing across us.
A lump formed in my throat again.
No please. I didn't wanna meet you guys here.
Hye In moved forward with her rifle pointed at Reinor .
"Let us've nothing to do with us." Her voice still stings like a frostbite.
A nasty chuckle leaves his mouth.
"I would rather ask you to stop whining when you would see what your friend is trapped in." He stated and leaned his body on the wall.
A short silence prevailed and Hye In 's eyes widened as she slowly turned towards me.
I on the other hand stood there like a statue when I felt a shot gun placed at the side of my forehead, my senses informed me of a presence behind  my back.
I helplessly turned to Hye In who slowly nodded her head to me.
I understood what she actually meant and I nodded back.
Ji Hae furrowed her eyebrows at us.
Without a warning I swiftly snaked my arms around the person's neck , pulling him forward only for his body to hit the floor in front of me, his head first.
Reinor pulled away from the wall and hurriedly took out his gun in the process to hit me, as soon as he pulled the trigger I shut my eyes tightly to feel what it feels like to be aimed but heard a slow thud instead .
Reluctantly opening my eyes I found HyeIn kneeling in front of me with her hands clutching her abdomen.
I realized that she was hit in place of me, rather I could say....she saved me from the bullet.
"HYE IN!" I shouted.
Her body fell down to the ground again, I couldn't do anything to help her once more. I am nuts!
What the hell is wrong with me?
Why the heck I can't do anything to save this girl?
Unknowingly tears flowed down my eyes. I guess I am only good at freaking crying.
Going down to my knees my sobs became more prominent.
JiHae's laugh drummed in my ears.
I hate you.
I hate all of you.
Don't test me!
Gulping back my wretchedness I stood up to my feet.
"You're gonna regret this, Mr. Reinor." I hissed.
Reinor aimed at me when he saw me pointing HyeIn's rifle at him.
But before he pulled his trigger I pulled mine.
The bullet passing through the air went and shot him in his knee.
"Ah!" Groaning he fell down on the floor.
"You bit-ch!" He continued.
I smiled at him and pointed the rifle at JiHae who stood there silently . She gulped once I walked towards her, snatching the gun from her hand I whispered, "move".
She slowly moved away, taking one last glance at Hye In 's body I jogged away.
Escaping the weird hideout, I started to cry out loud, I didn't care if I attracted any zombies or not, all I wanted is to let everything out of me.
Rest in peace Hye In and I'm sorry that I couldn't do anything to save you.
Tears dried but the the scar was still fresh.
I hated them and I still hate them.
But the thing I hate the most now is ....myself.
How freaking weak I am!

Flashback ends.

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Underworld and zombies are different things but I am trying my best. I m sorry for the late update cz I was travelling as it's my vacations.
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