Chapter 14

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Flashback continuation:

"Ohh? I really can't believe that you were on your own this long." Hye In glanced at me after mumbling her words.

"Believe it or not...I survived on my own this long." I said as a proud smile crept on my face.

"You must be really proud of yourself then..." she mumbled again as we hid ourselves behind a car.

I nodded.

"By the way Eun-ah, what's your age?" she asked as she peeped to the other side of the car to look out for any zombies. Gladly there were none.

"I just turned 18 last month." I blankly answered.

"Oh? Call me Unnie then. I am 20." 

There was a soft smile on her face which I noticed after a long hour of chit chatting.

There had been really something off about this girl. She is so mysterious. It feels like I shouldn't trust her not only because she is bitten but what if she is someone who would pull out a knife from somewhere and try to kill me for supplies. I cannot die.

I kept staring at her sultry figure which had a red bite mark as well.

"Who are you?" My mouth did the work which my brain was silently analyzing.

She slowly turned towards me, her smile vanished and exchanged with a confused look.

"Didn't I tell you my name already?"

"Your name doesn't always explains your identity, you know.." I said as I slowly took out my knife for my protection and also to scare her.

Which surprisingly she was but she was still hard to spill.

"D-Do you not believe me?" she asked backing away a bit.

"No, I don't actually trust you." I stated.

" I told you-" her voice was interrupted by a sudden screech.

A car suddenly parked on the road the other side of where we were hiding.

Both of our attention turned to that car.

Peeping from the either sides we watched as a man with blonde hair and a lady with awkward orange  hair close the door of the car with a slam after getting out of it.

Some more men were also with them.

They were all five in total including those two who seemed like a couple.

Gathering around, they started talking to each other, sadly we couldn't hear.

Who were they?

Do I know them?

Hye In knows them?

"Do you wanna know who I really am?"

Hye In's sudden sullen voice broke my gaze.

"W-What?" I asked as goosebumps covered my body due to her coldness.

"Do you know Dark Infinity?" she asked again.


She sighed and glanced towards me.

"They are the underworld. The illegal ones." 

Her eyes were turning moist, my mouth remain agape.

The underworlds? Really? They actually do exist, I mean yeah they do but...

"And I used to work for them."

My thoughts stopped haunting my brain when she introduced something really new for me to digest now.

"YOU WHA-" my mouth was soon covered by Hye In itself as she hissed at me to not shout.

"Don't you even dare to shout now, girl." her voice was as cold as ice.

I told myself not to trust this girl, but no, I actually did and now these people might kill me or throw me to zombies and stuffs.

Hye In just stared at my eyes as I did the same.

"But not any more....I don't work for them now."

My expressions relaxed maybe not actually because as she tackled me down to the ground in order to cover my mouth, I could see someone approaching from her back which she obviously didn't sense. By what I could see, the person was threateningly scary with his smirk on his face.

Hye In followed my eyes as I trailed them at the man.

"R-Reinor!?" Hye In whisper yelled but the guy suddenly knee-ed her head and banged it with the car.

She was too weak than expected, her limp body was lying now unconsciously.

What the hell?


Oh, I forgot, she doesn't works for them now.

She might have ran away and now she is captured.

My eyes widened as blood trickled down her forehead. I could sense my body going numb as I kept my gaze on her.

"And who is this beauty?" his raspy voice caused me to look back at him.

A lump formed in my throat.

What the hell should I do now?

"Maybe a friend of this Hye In bitch."

The lady appeared from the other side.

Her foot resting on the top of my forehead, pushing my head down to the ground harshly.

A grunt leaves my mouth at the pain

"Interesting...she looks young." she continued.

A really bad thought started to hover my mind with that sentence, Reinor soon grinned creepily at me as he pulled me away from  the body down there.

When I was on my feet, he pushed a strand of my hair back and seductively whispered, his breath caressing my cheek,"You might be able to make me  feel really good tonight."

Just as I thought. This guy is just hard on his pants and is planning something really wrong about me, I on the other hand was totally horrified at the thought. Reinor's piercing brown eyes stabbed my brain to function properly, why, why are my legs trembling at his grasp, I can escape, I have to escape, I have to survive. 

I pushed him away from me but he grasped me back roughly, I whimpered under his touch. This couldn't be happening. The zombies were like a lot to deal with these days but now I have to escape from the underworlds as well. Great. Just great. 

I can't even fight, I can't feel like I can even do something.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you." He whispered again, slightly frustrated with my continuous trials of running away from this embrace.

"Do I look like I am willing to give you all the pleasures you are dreaming for? If yes, then you are completely wrong about it, you perverted bastard!!" I don't know what I said but I am sure that I spatted all these at his handsome face.

His frustrated smile turned into a sly smirk as he pushed me back to the orange-haired lady, who caught me roughly , turning me to face her she slapped me and I managed to trip and bang my head with the car. A pain jolted up my head as everything turned upside down, am I even weaker than Hye In?

Soon my body fell down to the floor. 

All I could see now is nothing but darkness.

Its really dark.

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