Chapter 20

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Park Eun Sang's P.O.V. :

There was some shuffling noises here and there but still I managed to open my eyes.

Facing the white ceiling I could feel myself lying on a bed with an oxygen mask on while the smell of medicines devoured every inch of me.

Groaning I turned my head to the right to face.......a nurse?

I knew her, she was the one who was banging her head on the door of my mom's hospital office room. Moreover, she was the one whom I killed.

But most importantly, how is she alive and why is she smiling at me?

"How are you feeling now?" She asked while I kept staring at her face.

Chuckling she pulled out her phone and scrolled through her contacts before calling someone.

"Yes, ma'am , she's awake."

I cocked my eyebrow at her. Who is she? A twin sister of that lady?
By the way, looking around, it seems that I was lying down in a hospital bed, inside a hospital itself as I noticed few machines and moniters in the room.

I wonder how I came here but I was more than happy that I was still alive.

Suddenly the door of the room slammed open and in came a lady with a dark, messed up hair and pretty brown eyes.

I couldn't believe in my eyes nor could I apprehend what exactly was going on.


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