Chapter 19

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Related to chapter 10 and 11, if you didn't read those two chapters then you may find these  chapters quite confusing, but anyways enjoy reading.

RM's P.O.V. :

"RM-ssi, can you hear me out?"

A voice filled me up to my senses.


Opening my eyes I soon cringed while adjusting to the daylight.

Then there I saw....
Eun-ah smiling at me.

There was a mark on her right cheek, was it from the explosion?

But wait!

I was struck under the debris and right now I'm free, am I dreaming?

Propping up on my elbows, my eyes travelled all around and I found Jin hyung staring at me from a distance with a sympathetic smile as he lifted Jimin  up by his arm.

Next to him was Jhope, he was wounded too as I noticed a trail of blood running down his forehead but his eyes were wide as if he was still in shock.

Taehyung and Jungkook were helping Yoongi hyung.

I asked.

"Hmm?" Eun-ah glanced at me with a questioning look.

"How are we still alive?"

She chuckled.

" Maybe even the circumstances wants us to survive till the end too."

Her smile seemed endless and that was all I need.
An endless hope.

But there is an end,  when is it?

"We need to move on, the gates might close anytime."
Jin hyung broke my trance.

"Wait!" I called out to him and the others, "what happened actually? What happened to Reinor?"

"Why do you care about him right now?" Jhope glared at me.

"I am just asking, if I'm not wrong then I was struck beneath the debris."

"Yes, you were and Jin-hyung as well as Eun-ah saved you." Yoongi hyung looked towards my direction before glancing at Jimin.

"We need to hurry, he has lost lots of blood." Jin hyung added.


Third person's P.O.V. :
Everyone was wounded and tried out their best to walk.
It was calm yet disturbing.

Eun swung her bat in the air and turned to look towards Jimin.
Jin assured her that he'll be fine once he was offered medical help which they would soon receive when the reach the gates.

It was the only ray of hope that kept her alive, even after the explosion, even after everything that happened.
She knew her brother well, she knew that he was a man of words.

But the calm atmosphere didn't help her much so she decided to bring up a little conversation.

"So what will you guys do when we are rescued and once Jimin-ssi receives medical help?"

There wasn't much response so she thought that her idols maybe were either exhausted or devastated with her  question so she shut her mouth for good or who knows when Yoongi might end up snapping at her.

"I'm going to sleep."

It was Yoongi.

She turned her head towards him and nodded with a smile.

"I'm going to eat." Jin replied too.

"Me too." Taehyung raised his head and smiled at his hyung.

"I don't have any idea." Jungkook looked at her and shrugged.

"Neither do I." RM just kept a stoic face.

But Jimin kept quite.

His arms were around Jin and Taehyung.

And was breathing steadily.

"What do you wanna do Sang-ah?"

"Well, I wan-"

She was interrupted by her phone.

A smile crept to her lips as she received the call but before she could speak anything she heard her brother yelling.

"Eun-ah! Don't come here....don't cross the gates....they are here too, there's no escape, some infected people just - ahhhh!!!!"

She couldn't say anything anymore, she knew what followed next and that her brother won't be there to save her this time.

Everyone stared at her pale face, waiting for her to tell them something.

But only a tear escaped her eye.

"Eun-ah?" Jungkook shook her by her was then when she broke into tears.

No one dared to ask her anything anymore because somewhere deep inside , they knew whatever the call was meant for, it wasn't good.

Eun was now disgusted with the idea of surviving, if there is no place for her to go then how will she survive? Where will she go?

She cried her eyes out in Jungkook's arms while the latter holded her tightly in his embrace.

Few minutes later she pulled away and glanced at the sky as and gave out a heavy breath.

"Oppa said that we shouldn't cross the gates anymore. We can't survive there."

It was jungkook again.

"It's not safe," that was the last thing that she said before collapsing.

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