Chapter 6

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This book has got more than 100 reads, oh my god, I never thought that this would even happen. I am seriously sorry for my oppas trapped in such a tragedy. Thank you guys and keep reading.

Jin' P.O.V. :

Whatever happened last night , according to me, no one was at fault.

Yoongi being Yoongi was frustrated at Sang-ah , but if I were at her place I would've done same and I think everyone feels the same so no one spoke to each other about that.

After getting up from the bed, like everyday now, I wished everything returned back to normal but this unknown room made me realize that no matter what -- reality is harsh.

When I moved to the kitchen downstairs I found Sang-ah sitting quietly, more like she was paused even though she knew that I walked in.

She was just sitting still she looked so graceful and determined. Since yesterday I had seen something in her eyes -- an urge to survive, it gives me some different vibes inside my body to accept the reality no matter how much harsh it maybe.

"Good morning , Sang-ah."

She looked at me and smiled back, I am sure that I skipped a beat right there.

"Good morning, Jin." 

Her voice filled with both freshness of the morning and the remorse from the night.

Suddenly she got up from the counter and handed me two energy bars.

"This is for you and the other one is for Mr. Grumpy."

I blinked.

"You mean, Yoongi?"

She averted her gaze.

"I am afraid to confront him right now, he must be mad at me...." she lowered her voice.

I chuckled at her cuteness.

"Don't worry I'll give it to him."

She flashed me a smile and nodded in response.

I went back upstairs to the room I and Yoongi were sharing.

He was sitting on the couch and sighing repeatedly since he got up early in the morning which is unusual.

I tossed the energy bar to his lap and he flinched a bit.


I looked at his way and went downstairs, I know he will be coming down soon too.

Everyone was quietly sitting on the couch, except for Sang-ah, she was still in the kitchen with her knives.

What caught my attention was Jungkook. He was being being very different .

He looked paler. Maybe he is still in shock about last night.

Soon Sang-ah came out of the kitchen and informed us that we need to go out and look for supplies.

"We have to go out?" Yoongi's voice altered the situation.

Everyone looked worried all of a sudden.

Jimin's P.O.V.:

Just as Yoongi hyung said that, a shiver ran down my spine on the thought of going out.

Yes, we need supplies, Eun-ah might have collected some stuffs earlier and we had to barge in like uninvited guests which resulted in the crisis.We were responsible and we have to go.

Suddenly RM hyung stood up and smiled at Eun-ah and said," Yeah, lets go then."

I was surprised.

Jhope's P.O.V. :

As soon as RM said that I felt like I had a mental break down.

Outside? Really?

"A-Are you sure?" I asked as I gulped.

He nodded.

He really wants to go?

Eun Sang's P.O.V. :

As RM said that he is ready to go, others also had to agree with him no matter what.

They left the hall and went back to their rooms except for Jungkook.

He was sitting quietly.


He snapped and looked up at me.


"Is everything okay? Are you hungry?" I asked anxiously.

We both starred at each other which felt like thirty seconds, it was then when I realized his eyes filled with water.

Okay now, what's actually wrong with him?

"I-I am scared." he said sniffing.

I blinked and worriedly sat beside him.

"Its fine if you're scared. You don't have to come with us so just stay back, we'll be back soon. You don't have to face them."I was trying to comfort him, nevertheless, I was flustered seeing him sob all of a sudden.

"Please don't abandon me..." he said.

"What?" we are not abandoning him, "We won't abandon you."

"No, you don't get it."

"Get what?"

He looked at me then he looked at his left wrist, slowly rolling his sleeve up to his elbow I could see something  like a well defined mark.

I gasped.

"A-A bite !?"

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