Chapter 23

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Kim Ji Byung

Wait, what?

"Actually," she started before I could say her that I might have seen her somewhere before, " I'm not really clumsy, I already had so many books with me, the man who bumped into me should have been more careful, he stumbled upon nothing. Neither did he help me with the books nor did he apologize and then ran away as if he saw a ghost."

"A ghost?" I asked.

"Yeah, his eyes were red as if he was panicking very badly about something and he was breathing short." She said as she collected all her books and stood up to meet my height.
My eyes widened as I processed everything that she said.

"I think he was bitten."

"Bitten?" She chuckled, " bitten by what?"

I just stared at her face, my heart beating faster than normal, I was trying my best to deny the fact that my dream was at the verge of beginning.

"Yah, are you okay?" She asked as she clutched her book tighter to her chest.

"Y-Yes --"

Suddenly a shrill scream interrupted our not-so-lovely conversation.

Our head snapped left from where a sudden commotion began.

"No, I'm no more okay." I glanced at Byung before running towards the sound.

"Hey, wait!" She called but I didn't wait.

I had no more time to explain her, if this is what it is then fine but I swear this time I'm gonna save as many people as I can.

I screeched to a halt when I saw a man in a white T-shirt with huge blood stain, he had his teeth fixed to a lady's neck while his legs were wrapped around her waist. The lady was screaming madly trying to pull away from his face.

Mrs. Choi and two other men were trying to pull away the man but he was too strong.

"Get off me!!!" The lady continued screaming.

The infected man gave out a hoarse growl after he tore open her flesh, splattering blood everywhere.



I snapped my head towards Byung who was frozen to the ground, moreover her books were again kissing the floor.

Mrs. Choi screamed as she was totally horrified and drenched in blood of the woman.

The woman on the other hand fell down to the ground.

"No, this is insane!" Mrs. Choi cried and ran out of the library, the two other men stumbled and followed her out in fear.

"What the hell is going on?" Byung asked loudly flailing her hands everywhere.

"Well, what do you think?"

A low growl interrupted us again, we turned to look at the zombie who seemed quite interested in us and crawled a step forward. Slowly.

I gulped and looked at Byung.

She moved a step back.

There was a deafening silence for a moment.

" Byung ," I whispered, " We should just run."

"Oh my god, I can't even walk properly, how am I supposed to run when a zomb--"

The man growled loudly again before pouncing on us.

"No, run!"

But before he could have his way out, I pulled Byung with me to a different block in the library.

Running to different sections I almost lost the way out and not "almost" I actually lost the way out. The man was quite fast and didn't give up trailing behind us.

"Omo, what should we do?" Byung asked me as she clutched my hand tighter.

"Let's keep on running for--- oh, I'm impressed." I sighed out of frustration as I paused.

"A dead end?"

"More like a wall."

The zombie walked step by step towards us and growled to make us aware of its presence.

" What are we gonna do now?" Byung shook my shoulders, her eyes glistening with tears.

My breath hitched again as I turned my head to find something as the man got closer and closer.

My eyes darted towards a big fat dictionary resting peacefully on the shelf.

I smirked at my incoming victory before pulling it out from the shelf and glanced at Byung who seemed confused yet reassured with my actions.

"Byung-ah, we gotta survive."

End of Book 1.
Thank you guys for being there with me and for reading and supporting this book. The second part is out and I'm currently working on it, the updates will be slow but I'll try my best to keep you guys tuned.

 The second part is out and I'm currently working on it, the updates will be slow but I'll try my best to keep you guys tuned

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Go ahead and check this out, I'm going to update it soon. Stay tuned for another BTS adventure.

Survive ! (BTS x Reader)【 Zombie Apocalypse】Where stories live. Discover now