Chapter 22

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Maybe everything was just a dream. Maybe nothing is actually going to happen.

With all sorts of weird thoughts inside my head I crossed the street.
Today is 17th of August and the exact time right now is 11:00 a.m. which gives us 45 minutes more.

Everyone seems to be normal today, greeting each other, walking around, chatting or having a great time at the cafe.

Everything is perfect like it should be.

After a ten minutes walk from the cafe I finally reached the library.

"Eun-ah, it's been a while since you visited the library, your mother said me that you weren't well." The librarian, who used to be our neighbour four years ago, asked.

"I'm doing good , Mrs. Choi."

"Well, that's good. I would like to introduce you to the new books wh--"

I interrupted her, " Yeah, sure I'll check them, thank you very much."

She smiled before nodding and leaving.

I cannot waste much time with her, I glanced at my watch, 30 minutes to the outbreak.







As far as I remember my controversial dream, everything started from the library so why not investigate a bit.

I wandered around the library eyeing each and every person who were reading or walking shelves to shelves, not like there were many people, I could only spot four of them and Mrs. Choi was reading a book herself.

After ten more minutes I was quite tired of walking so I decided to have a seat. As soon as I turned around to leave , there was a loud thud. I stopped whatever I was going to do and felt my breath hitch as I forced myself to turn towards the sound.

There was no one but I heard someone groan so I dared to walk around the shelf to figure it out.

I found a girl in a yellow dress, she was sitting on her knees and collecting her books which were lying on the floor.
I sighed in relief as I walked towards her.

"Here, let me help you." I offered as I handed her a book.

"Thank you ." She smiled but something about her face was different, it felt like I've seen her somewhere before.

In confusion my eyes darted towards her notebook which was lying on the floor, it had a name tag.








Kim Ji  Byung?

If you guys are wondering who this new character is then I would like you guys to chill, she isn't a new character, she was an unwanted character in this book but will play a good role in my second book so don't forget her name though it's kinda funny. Still if you don't remember then refer to chapter 4.  Please remember to vote and leave comments. Next chapter will be out in 24 hours I promise you guys, and I'm doing this because it's Min Yoongi's bday soon.

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