Chapter 16

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Author's P.O.V.:
The tale finally ends and the room is now filled with nothing but audible sniffs coming from Eun-ah who was looking at her lap , it felt like she  could become a crumpled paper in no time.
Everyone kept quite and sadness covered their faces.
Jimin kept glancing at the girl who was breaking apart slowly.
Standing up he walked to her and simply sat beside her, snaking his arm around her shoulder he softly pulled the girl into an embrace.
She needed it. After being strong and running away from those things around her, she needed some affection.
Jimin 's face heated up when Eun-ah burried her face in the crook of his neck, nevertheless , he was happy that she accepted his hug ( who wouldn't?).
Her sniffs slowly disappeared and a relief spreaded across everyone's faces.

But the heart warming session didn't remain for long as they pulled out from the hug because of some vibrations.
Eun took out her phone hurriedly from her pocket.
Her eyes widened at the caller ID.

"Yujeon oppa!" She squeaked as she swiped to answer the call.
"Eun!!" The person from the other side almost yelled, "are you fine?"
"Y-Yeah, I'm , and I have got some friends here with me."
"Oh, I'm so happy to know that you're fine."
A smile plastered on the girl's face as she nodded clearly unaware that her brother couldn't see her nodding her head.
"I've got to tell you something, the Seoul gates will be closed in two days, you have to get out from there as the virus is spreading quite fast. Just get out of there as fast as possible."
Eun gulped at the thought of the fate being sealed with them being locked in the town.
Her voice was different now, the others were confused at the convo which they couldn't hear.
After she hung up the phone they pondered her with their queries. She had to calm them down and then with a cold tone she replied ,"We have to get out of Seoul in two days before the gate seals."
Everyone looked at her in shock.
What the hell? How?
"Lets pack up all the necessary stuffs and we are going to get out of here tomorrow." RM suggest.
All nods in response.
Suddenly the light of the hall flickers.
The supplies are exhausting which means Seoul and the other places are out of supplies like electricity and water.
"We have to do it soon." Jhope mumbles lowly.
Eun looks down at her feet as once again the memories came flooding by .
She sighed.

"I don't wanna meet them again."

Thank you so much for reading this book. I hope you like it. Stay tuned for the actual fun now. There would more like five to six chapters for this book to end.
Thank you once again my fellow readers.

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