Chapter 5

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Park Eun Sang's P.O.V. :

I still didn't get over with what happened last night. I didn't get much sleep, I got Yoongi mad at me and threw Jungkook into trouble with what happened when that girl jumped at him. I was really sorry but yeah I can't say it out to them since they all are ignoring me except for Jimin.

I heaved out a sigh which felt like for the millionth time as I checked for my weapons, not that I have a lot with me but yes, my knives are enough, my brother taught me earlier how to use them and I learnt them easily.

My bag-pack had two rifles, its a secret like how I got it and why I am not using it.

 As the lights from the window brightened up the hall I turned around to face the boys who were doing nothing but sulking, they even had some tensed expression plastered on their faces specially Jungkook who looked paler than before and kept rubbing his temples sweeping away the fake sweat.

Taehyung noticed me staring at the maknae and suddenly waved at me. I broke my gaze and faced him. He just gave me a boxy smile with which I used to melt every single time and even today. Not knowing that my cheeks were red I just smiled back at him.

So I had to talk to these guys about the supplies.

Yoongi's P.O.V. :

I was really angry at this girl like how she allowed the zombie girl to enter her damn house and then that freaking girl tried to bite Jungkook. Never mind, I just am happy that none of us have been in trouble after Eun was able to kill the girl.

I didn't even get much sleep not because I am not tired but I can't actually sleep last night, I am really worried with whatever had happened in these past two weeks, I've been feeling very weak and anxious. How much long are we going to live?

My thoughts were brought to a halt when someone tossed me an Energy bar ( is that even a thing?). It was Jin hyung.


He smiled and left the room to go downstairs were everyone was present.

I didn't wanted to go down but I never even wanted to stay alone in the room so I headed downstairs as well and rested my body on the couch.

Eun was fixing her knives in the torso of her jeans near the counter of the kitchen. My head was hurting like hell and I just wanted some sleep which I couldn't get for the very first time of my life.

I could feel the tension in the room, everyone was quite even Jhope, this is unusual. The body of the girl was no more on the floor, someone might have removed it from there. Good.

Suddenly Taehyung started waving, I thought that he was being crazy like always then I noticed Eun. Ok so he was waving at the troublesome girl.

I rolled my eyes and just kept them close until a voice broke.

"We need to go and look out for some supplies....we are running out of it."

"We have to go out?"
Words slipped from my mouth.
I don't wanna show it to everyone but deep inside I am really scared....I don't wanna go out of this so called hideout.

Hello fellow readers, I hope you guys like the story, this chapter is really short and boring but I promise that the next one is going to be big and interesting.
Thank you.

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