Chapter 4

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Jimin's P.O.V. Continuation:

"Jin hyung?"

I was confused because he was standing right in front of me with an awkward expression.

"What?" I asked again.

"Do you hear that?"he asked slowly.

"Hear wha-" I was cut off with a slight sound.

It was as if someone was knocking the door.

"I went out of my room because I was not feeling sleepy and as soon as I was near the stairs I heard someone knocking that big door down at the entrance."he said looking down at the stairs which I knew he would never try going down....not even me.

"We have to check out,right?" The maknae came out of his bed towards us.

"What if its not a zombie and someone who needs help?" I added.

Suddenly another door opened from right across us.

Entered a girl,with her beautiful curtains of hair strands covering her face slightly and heavy lidded eyes, of course it was Eun-ah.

I heaved out a sigh of relief when I found out that she had her pair of knives in her clutches and blinks at us before opening her mouth.

"What's wrong?" she whispered cutely. Seriously I felt like laughing at that moment but the scene was tensed.

Jin hyung explained her everything and I woke Tae and the other hyungs.

Eun-ah nodded and asked Yoongi hyung to prepare himself with his baseball bat.
He didn't look like he was pleased with the idea and was not at all thinking of helping the who-knows-what , outside the house but Eun helped us out too when we were at a worse situation than this, he might have reconciled and prepared his bat.
Eun ah took the lead and walked down the stairs, Yoongi hyung slowly trailed behind her and we followed them hiding ourselves. As we reached near the door, Eun ah , by now was in her position as if she will end the life of whatever is outside.
She gestured for Yoongi hyung to open the door which he hesitatingly did.
There was a click and the door opened.
We held our breath as the door creaked revealing the face of a girl with bright eyes, those weren't lifeless but full of fear. The light from the moon exposed her features in the dark hall.
We stood there as she tried to stumbled towards us,we were as if paused until a gasp from Eun-ah brought everything back to life.
"Stop!" she whisper yelled with her knives defending us.
"Wait, help me! I don't want to be eaten alive by them." the girl whimpered at Eun-ah's reaction.
"A-Are you bitten?" Tae asked slowly.
The girl bit her lip and looked down at her feet .
"No, but my leg is seriously injured."
My eyes trailed down to her leg where a cloth was tied tightly just above the ankle.
"Should we let her in?" the words flowed down my mouth.

Eun's P.O.V.:

Jimin 's question broke my gaze from that girl. She didn't look any better. That wound in her leg was of course a bite.....what if it's not? What if we throw her out of the house even if she is not bitten, she will end up dying cause she couldn't run with that leg I guess.
"Fine." I said.
My voice more cautious than before.
The girl gave out a sigh and entered as I closed the door.
She smiled at me,"My name is Kim Ji Byung."
I nodded.
"And what is Bangtan Soneyeondan doing here?"she asked.
"Escaping I guess."RM replied .
She then turned to me.
"Oh, my name is Park Eun Sang" I introduced.
She smiled again.
The room fell silent again.

A small gasp from Ji's mouth suddenly breaking the beautiful silence.
It even took away my precious presence.
"Stop acting now," I said rather angrily,"tell me if you are bitten."
Her eyes widened.
The others looked at each other.
"What do you mean?"Tae asked.
"I think that she is bitten and the wound will surely turn her into one of those soon."
The room filled with gasps once again.
"Why did you let her enter the house if she is bitten?"Yoongi, who was now frustrated asked.
I kept my head down because I couldn't say him that I pitied her and was in confusion. I couldn't say him that I am such a loser at being really selfish.
I gulped and ignored him and my grip on the knives tightened.
"Oh, great, now she won't even answer!" Yoongi was angry and sat his sleepy body on the arm of the couch.
"Yoongi!" Jin glared at him for being rude.
He doesn't care.
"Get out of the house!" I said the girl.
"Listen to me please." She was now begging.
"No, get out!" I tried not to pity her again.
Her eyes were puffed red now, I couldn't understand if she was crying or her body was taking action right now.
She hung her head and sniffed.
Probably crying.
I rubbed my temples, others seemed stressed and sad.
Jungkook was standing behind me and mumbled something which I couldn't hear.
"So are going to get out?" I asked the girl and looked at Yoongi who scoffed at me. Yeah I know you are mad at me, I am angry with myself as well.
"Even if I get out you guys...can't survive for long." the girl gritted her teeth.
I tilted my head.
"I think you should get-"RM was cut off by the girl who suddenly snapped her hanging head towards me. I flinched as I figured out her lifeless , glazing eyes that were now glaring at me and that low pitched growl along with which she jumped on me but to her dismay my reflex took an action so I just stepped aside leaving poor Jungkook to himself.
She pondered over him and started tackling him on the ground.
Everyone's breath stopped.
"Let go!" Jungkook yelled in the process of pushing her hovering body away from him.
I and Tae got in action as well as the others.
Jimin and Hoseok tried to pull the maknae while Yoongi came rushing with his baseball bat, I and Tae pulled the girl away with much force and pushed her to the door.
I don't know why I could hear RM yelling, maybe panicked.
The bat was swung and it hit her head throwing her to the other wall. She didn't stop , she came growling towards Jin now, who was standing defenceless and even scared to move.
Poor him!
As soon as it was going to him I grasped my knives which fell down in the process of push and pull, I ran to her, grabbing her shoulders and making it face me, I mindlessly stabbed her skull, splattering blood on my night clothes and on the floor.
She was dead.
Her body laid on the ground and I crouched down to check if she is really dead while the other were checking if Jungkook is alright.
"It's all your fault!" Yoongi exclaimed looking at my direction.
I looked at him. it really was my fault.
"Keep it down, Yoongi hyung." RM tried to calm him down.
"What if that girl would have bitten Jungkook?" Yoongi argued.
I heaved out a sigh.
"I hope it didn't."
I got up and looked at Jungkook. He just nodded but looked tensed.
"Don't worry, you are fine and I am sorry."
I bowed after locking the door.
"Is she really dead?" Hoseok asked pointing at the girl.
He sighed .
"I am going back to the room cause I am sleepy."
I didn't turn back and ran to my room.

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