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"Nini, kiss me"
Drunk Sehun leans in to kiss jongin. Jongin's eyes travel around the hall. His friends, gest and workers are having fun. So he leans to drunk Sehun's cheek and peck. But Sehun seems to unsatisfied.
Sehun's hand travel to jongin's lip. And he touches his lips with a fingertip. A shiver ran in his body. He immediately stops Sehun with holding his hand.

"Sehun what are you doing? We are at the public"

"But I want to kiss you," Sehun said with pouting. Jongin wants to kiss Sehun here and there. But he can't get risk. He loves sehun. But their relationship and past are hidden cause Sehun is his assistant to the world. So he has to wait.

"But baby not here. We can go to my house and You can get more than kiss" jongin muttered to sehun's ear.

"OK " With that Sehun fell on to jongin's traso. He muttered some words but that not everyone can understand.

Jongin brings Sehun his hands' bridal style and began to walk the entrance of the hall. That scene catches every single person eyes. They began to gossip about their CEO and his assistant.

Chanyoel aka jongin's best friend saw this and smile.

"We would have to do something tomorrow about this scene. We can't shut every person's mouth. But we can shut media." Chanyeol said with a smirk.

"We have to, " Suho said with a smirk.

Hi guys! This is my new story.
English isn't my first language. So please sorry to poor english. 
I love kaihun so much. So I hope you guys enjoy reading this story.

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