Football and proposals

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School went by fast for the first time. I didn't expect for myself to attend the school's Football game but that's exactly what occured. After school, well after my detention to be precise, I was heading home on foot when a car screeched next to me. It's always like this, they find me on the street and pick me up and I gladly jump in holdup that sounded bad.  But I literaly jumped in the car because the doors were jacked up. Like always Claire picked me up but she wasn't driving ,it's her car but she never drives it. Jennifer was in the driver's seat.

I still got in though.  Jennifer apologized again and I told her it was okay, Dave was more to blame because he knew what he was doing.

We drove to school and I gave them questioning looks because I never asked them where we going they just said get in and I agreed because it's not like I had anything to do.

"Why are we here" I aksed them as we parked. 

"Football game duh" states Claire.

"Hey.. I gotta go cheerleading" says Jennifer she looked at me. and apologized.... again. Now it was just getting on my nerves but at least it reassured me. I nodded and got out of the car . I started walking towards the entrance when Claire pulled me back.

"The guys like it when we wear shirts that have their names on it" she says as she hands me a shirt wich had all the guys name plastered in it .

"They wanted it to have this military looks so  we did camouflage " she announces . I nod. It didn't look bad so I didn't protest on clading myself in it.  It was of course a camouflage themed shirt, it looked like it wouldn't cover my stomach but that's never been a problem before. We head inside and I change in the bathroom and it showed of my body parts a little bit too much. Whatever. I shoved the shirt in my bookbag which I was still wearing since I never got home and I headed out. Claire was waiting for me outside the bathroom stall and we headed to the field with our arms linked.

I haven't known her for long but she's definetly a keeper I hope we share the same view on that.

  I laughed at something she said as we took our seats in the front. Katina and Jennifer were already out there. It was weird because Jennifer was on the cheer team with Mila and em' which made me suspicious hecause what if she did know, I mean she had to have had overheard them talking about me and Dave once but I can't remember if she was there. I looked at her and she smiled and I returned the gesture. I looked over at the dance team and they looked pretty . The pant and shirt were in one piece and it was tiger themed , it showed their back and in the front one arm was cut off and the other one was there. On the same side that the arm was cut off the leg was cut of and in the side of the leg was a well cut off dancer silhouette. That must have cost money.

The cheerleaders had a cheer uniform on , I guess it was pretty but since basically everyone on that team had something agaisnt me. I wasn't going to bother. I admired the azure sky which was now darkening . It looked perfect for a game an hour ago but now it was changing.  Something else to prove my theory that nothing stays the same.

"Katina's going to freak out if it starts to rain she just got a perm or at least that what she calls it" says Claire.

I laugh,  it did seem like her hair became on point,  when it ususally looked ratchet. The game started and it wasn't going great for us, still the challenge made it interesting. Alex was already put in along with Reggie and Trey and some other guys I didn't know.

By the second quarter, Alex was sat down I was enjoying myself, still something was weird call it teen wolf crazy but Alex was extra fast, extra strength , it's like he was werewolf. I laughed at myself could I get any dumber. We bought hot dogs at halftime and watched the dance team strut into the middle. There was a new girl, I've seen her around I also  showed her around the school since I was in the welcoming committee , her name was Alanis. I didn't know she was in the Dance team though she must be good because they wouldn't let anyone in the team this late. The band started playing and they started dancing. Moving in sync with the drums beats suddnely the band stopped and a song came on, "Whatever you like" by Nicole Scherzinger and they started dancing even harder tham before.  The football team whistled as The new girl Alanis and Katina started sashaying to the front once they got there they performed acrobatics,while evryone in the back did dance moves, which looked well practiced and well prepared. The football team stood up and  started dancing and me and Claire laughed, Reggie started trying to twerk and let's just say it wasn't a bad sight. I was suprised by their enthusiasm though because they weren't winning.

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