My room,I pay for it

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  ****° 911 we have some wild scenes in here,  this chapter was awkward for me so I didn't mention the  main characters name  because I know her personally .... so don't read this read this it's for our friendships safety°****

   Short Chapter

  After he settled all of his stuff in my room we soon started a dispute on who sleeps on the bed.

  "Hey look ,it's my room so I sleep on the bed you take the floor and a regular gentleman would agree" I inform him as I  lay back on the bed.

  " Listen baby I payed for this hotel" he says as he grabs my arms and I fall down on the covers he's already sprawled on the hotel floor well if he doesn't want to sleep on the floor why even put em' there and then soon he jumps on the bed substituting himself on my spot. I groaned , getting up and trying to drag him down. Major, Fail, finally an idea came to mind. I jumped on him and he groaned in pain, I straddled him and beginned to slap away at his chest and he laughed but then rolled me over being the one on top.

  "You still want to be marked" he asked me,staring deeply into my eyes. I gulp but nod in approval this was what I wanted- no it's what we both wanted, I knew he was restricting himself, his last mark has disappeared completely. He gives me one last smile before my world is thrown into oblivion with his mouth on my neck before I know it my body's moving uncontrollably due to the fact that he's started to tickle me now, I'm pretty sure it looked like I was having a seizure, with uncontrollable giggle, I saw him move to the side giving me a break as I breathed heavily but he quickly moved his hand to my side pushing me, causing me to land on the covers on the hotel floor this time I was thankful for the covers.

  "Bae you just got played" he says as he gets comfortable on my bed. I groan but stand back up.

  "What if we both slept in the bed.. were q couple" I told him. He laughed.

  "Not going to Happen plus we're a couple that's horny something bound to happen " he informs me.

   "Why not?"  I question him  "Well supposedly you act like you have your morals set straight so I know you'll be able to restrict yourself from my hot body" I say as I  raise myself from the covers on the floor and hop on the bed pulling myself under the covers which he was under.

  "Just don't move like if you need to breathe move away from me"  he says but it sounded more like a growl.

  "I didn't even touch you"  I inform him, he gives me a faltered laugh as he wraps his arm around  me after a few seconds  I move against him.... accidently or at least that's what I'm going for and he growls again soon enough his on top of me his eyes begin to shift from his original color to black, let me just say from up close it's way cooler.

  "I'm sorry" he announces

  "For what"  I asked him nonchalantely but my heart was honestly pounding from his glare.

  "For what I'm about to do but then again you started it"  he says as he leans into my mouth  giving me a quick kiss and then  trailing his lips down to my neck. He's actually going to do it, okay I'm having second thoughts now, I barely had time to ponder any further because I soon felt something cold slipping into my skin, I screamed in pain but my scream soon shifted into a moan. After licking the wound a couple of times, I suddenly felt dominant, I pushed him so I could be on top kissing him,  I moved against him as I devoured his mouth, he chuckled as he pulled back.

  "For someone whose an innocent little girl you sure know how to make a guy go crazy" he states I look down to see my work and giggle,  he takes over again.

  "Are you sure about this because once I truly start there's no stopping not even if you run away"  he asked me and I nodded laughing.

  " No I want an answer, once it's done there's no going back" he informs me as if I didn't know.

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