Are You Serious?

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When I met you in the summer. I sanged to myself as I walked to the bathroom.  I've never seen the teacher become so boring.  I understood nothing that came out of his mouth.  Okay maybe that wasn't true because she was my favorite teacher but right now I was too hot too ponder.  I entered the bathroom and splashed myself with cold water and moaned in delight.  That felt so good. In all truth Alex was right.  I've been so hot ever since the fourth day we kissed which was like a week before Halloween and now it's the freaking week before the Thanksgiving break. 

I sigh in defeat.  I was so done.  I've been wearing  shorts just to breathe and I'm so desperate I might come to school naked h eww .  This is the longest time I've gone without a jacket. What's even weirder is that  a week ago I couldn't find my gym clothes and Mila let me borrow hers, I accepted of course the coach is so strict, I would have gotten a lower grade for not having uniform and that was not happening I don't run around like a horse, get hit by a ball repeatedly for fun.

    Claire was so lucky whenever they picked team everyone tries to pick her first.  But since I'm her friend they picked me next. Hehe.  Anyways Mila let me borrow her gym clothes for two days straight and by the time I gave them back to her they stabked it's PE after all but she smiled and accepted it, I didn't  care I might have worked extra harder just to make it seem even worse.  Whatever why am I wrecking my brain for this doodoo.  Dammit why am I saying that..  I've been hanging out with Alanis way too much.  Talking about Alanis I suddenly hear a faint sound of a song playing and it was her song wiggle by Jason Derulo. What the hell? ...  I looked around trying to figure out where it was coming from.  The music led me outside too see a bunch of people forming a circle.  What the hell?  I shuffled and pushed plus squeezed to the front if the crowd to see Trey and and all his friend including sexy Alex... Damn I needed to get over him but can you really get over a guy who claimed you were his soul mate and wait why the hell were these guys dancing?

I looked around maybe Alanis was here.  And I saw her standing next to Claire who was laughing her ass off.  She was probably laughing at Kellan he looked hilarious. I joined them.  "I'm not going to lie I want to cry maybe even forgive him but it's not happening and you can't win every girl with a flash mob" she says as they finish and walks away.  I look at the boys who finished. Okay maybe this guy really was serious.  He hasn't laughed,  made a joke,  called anyone a name,  for a good month.

"I know what your thinking but I say ignorance is best for Alanis if she gets her heart broken again someone is going to die and I like living"  states Claire

I smile as the boys head towards us drowning out the applausees..  Okay so they were good but they weren't great.

"Kellan you ruined It thought you were good at everything"  I say. 

Claire starts laughing again.  "This is not funny okay so I don't dance but I had to do it  for a friend and the best your friend could have done was watch the whole freaking show"  says Kellan. 

"Wait stop are you trying to say that Alanis should forgive him because you danced bad"  says Claire. 

Okay now where was she getting that from he never implied anything.

"Glad you read my mind beautiful he's trying and it's time you guys talked to her about it" says Kellan.  Claire laughed.

"Your one dumb mother ducker and your delusional,  she's a girl she needs her time he hurt her this is her first relationship "  says Claire. 

I mind have felt bad that I wasn't saying anything  to help Alanis but this was just confusing. Who started this worthless fight?  This is why I don't have a freaking boyfriend. Lies.

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