Chapter 1

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Shay's Pov:

Ugh, let me just start off. I'm 19 years old, wait today's my birthday I almost forgot. Well actually I take that back, I'm actually 20 years old today. Whoppeee..not. But anyways, even though today is my birthday nothing seems different, or at least I don't feel different? Should I? I don't really know exactly how to feel. I mean when your cooped up in this lonely town in North Carolina for 20 years of your life you start to get bored. I mean, don't get me wrong I love this place to death, I just feel like I'm suffocating here. I live in a town named Corolla and yeah you've probably heard of it, big on tourism and what not, but I live in a decently sized house only about 5 minutes away from the ocean and it's beautiful. I live with my mom and my sister, if your wondering, yes I have a dad but him and my mom are divorced and he lives on the other side of town. My dad and mom despite getting a divorce are still acquaintances, if you will. I mean I always wondered how they still maintain to civil with each other. Actually how my mom can be civil with my dad after what happened, but she is. I honestly don't know if I could be civil with someone who did that to me or how you could still love somebody after they did that to you. but apparently my mom still does or so she says but I on the other hand, after I found out about what happened definitely was appalled at my father and it took me some time to ever look at him the same way again. You might find that kind of weird that my mum does, I do too haha. But I guess once you've had 2 kids with somebody your always sort of bound to them in a way, wether you like it or not. Haha but I visit him every so often or at least I try to. It's sometimes gets hard because of me attending college and studying, it feels like I have no time to just breathe yanno? Maybe I need a break. A break from all of this. To clear my head.

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