Chapter 12

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Everybody's eyes were on me as soon as Harry had kissed my hand and how he had said my name before I even told him. Or at least the other boys had thought that I hadn't, but I had, the night at the hotel. This can't be just a coincidence. I understand bumping into him once or twice, but three times all in the time period of a week. It doesn't make sense. Maybe it's the worlds way of telling us that were meant to be friends? Maybe.

After my encounter with Harry he took a seat on the couch to my right, opposite of Niall. You could tell all of the boys were trying very hard to put all of the pieces together. So I decided I should speak up.

"So this isn't my first time bumping into Harry. We actually have seen each other twice in this past week. It seems to be that everytime I would go to a hotel that was the hotel that you all were staying at, and I always just seemed to run into him literally, the first time and then I saw him going to get on the elevator the second." They all seemed to find that interesting. Niall somehow, found humor in it. I didn't really see it.

"So Harry, is this why you couldn't get any shut eye the whole ride here? And why you kept checking your phone every second?" Liam questioned Harry and Harry's cheeks started to get pink. He turned his head in Louis' direction so that I couldn't see his face. He was embarassed.  I could very faintly hear him mumbling something to Louis, while Louis couldn't really make out what he was saying. Louis face scrunched with him leaning off of his chair to try and make sense of what Harry was silently whispering to him.

Harry stood up slowly and made his way back to what I presume to be his bedroom. The boys eyes and mine included, shot to Harry and watched him walk out.

"I don't know what that was for or why he walked out but I can tell you one thing. I think that Harry may fancy you, but don't get all freaked out because you guys barely know each other or the fact that he may fancy you. See Harry does this alot he will go out of his way completely like paying for you hotel fair the past couple night. Don't worry he told me he paid for a girls room and I would presume that it was yours." I shook my head in confirmation. Louis continued talking.

"He goes and tries to impress the girl by doing these things and putting his heart on the line because he may like you. But then either the girls totally turn him down or they lead him on making him believe they like him for who he is, but in all actuality, they just like him because of his money or because he's 'Harry Styles'. Then he gets his heart broken basically because he does this all the time. The other lads and I always tell him to take it slow because of how it always turns out in the end, but he continues to do it. So my point really is that if you have any ounce of feelings, maybe brewing inside of you for Harry, wether you'll admit to them or not, please don't take him for granted and value his feelings too, because although he may not say it, he is the most sensitive lad I know and we all just want to see him get hurt again. Do you think you could please do that?" Oh boy that's alot. But I totally understand where Louis and the other boys are coming from. That must suck for that to happen to Harry everytime and would never want any of my actions to hurt him in anyway. Maybe I should go talk to him to figure out whats exactly going on.

"Okay. Thank you for telling me all of that. I appreciate it and I don't know whats exactly going on between me and Harry because we just met, but whatever happens I will be sure not to hurt him in anyway Oh and I don't see you guys like that. I mean like I don't see you like just the famous part because you guys are all real people not just famous." The boys all gazing at me kept nodding their heads when needed and kept listening to what I was saying.

"But I think I'm going to talk to Harry." I got up off of the couch and made my way down the same hallway Harry had previously went down. Down this hallway there were 3 doors, one of them leading into a bathroom and the other being a bedroom, but those doors were open so I don't think Harry would be in either of those. I came up to the next door the only door that was closed. I knocked on it.

"Harry, can you please open the door. It's just me, Shay." I heard some fumbling around on the other side of the door and then the doorknob jiggled and the door opened up. I was met with those captivatiing green eyes that were starring down at me, looking into my hazel ones. Harry and his muscular figure, stood above me a good couple of inches taller than me. I'm about 5'4 and I would think that Harry was around 6 feet tall, so he towered over me.

"Erm come in." He pulled the door back further and gestured me into his room with the movement of his left hand. I walked inside and took a seat on his bed and waited for him to close the door.

"Um, so what happened out there?" I asked him as he took a seat on the bed a few feet away. Harry was starring down to his hands that we folded in his lap when he began speaking.

"I don't know. I mean I thought back at the hotel and stuff that we were maybe flirting, and then I left you my number hoping that maybe you would text me and we could like hangout or go grab a bite to eat. I thought that maybe we could get to know each other a little more, but I understand if that's not what you thought about the whole situation." His eyes still fixated onto his hands, not daring to look up at me. Actually, that's exactly what I thought was going on, I thought we were flirting and I was over the moon when I read his cute, little note and flipped it over to see it had his number on it. I honestly just didn't even think about texting him back because once I saw that magazine at the hotel I got so sidetracked about everything, I totally forgot that I was going to text him to thank him for paying for my suite and that was the truth and I was going to tell him exactly that.

"Actually, that's exactly what I thought was going on." He peered his head up slightly so I could see the very beginings of his greens eyes. "And I would like to go grab a bite to eat sometime and the note. The note was the cutest and sweetest thing somebody has done for me in such a long time. I was going to text you back and thank you for everything that you did for me, but then I came across this magazine. The magazine had your face plastered all over it, and I was so confused and then I pieced it all together about who you were. And before you say anything about me only talking to you because of your fame, that's not the case at all. Your just like me, your just like everybody else, so don't think I will give you an special treatment because your famous. And then I just ended up here in this house next door to you because I saw a sign about these duplexs so I called and got one. Then earlier I was trying to unload my stuff and all of my clothes like fell all over the place and Louis saw me and came out to help me and help carry all of my other boxes inside and then he told me when I was done unpacking to give him and ring and then I could come over and he would introduce me to his friends. Haha and I had abesolutley no clue that you were gonna be here." He now had an amused look upon his face and he was smirking at me as I was about to be out of breathe.

"Oh and FYI I heard your song on the radio and you guys are actually really good." I had a sly smirk playing upon my lips after I was done. It was then that I realized just how close Harry had gotten to me while I was talking to him. Less than two seconds later I felt two lips crash onto mine. I felt frozen at that minute. It was the oddest feeling ever, all I could feel were the thousands of butterflys in my stomach and I felt like it was going to burst. And I couldn't feel anything else, it was as everything else around us completly froze in time and it was just Harry and I. I quickly responded my moving my lips in perfect sync with his as I felt his hands go to my lower back and push me onto his lap. My fingers went to his hair, where I got my fingers bunched up in his hair, while my right hand went down slightly to play with the hair on the nape of his neck.

We both pulled away, our foreheads both ontop of one anothers, us both, contently starring into the others eyes. And then I had to ruin the intimate moment with the sound of my stomach growling. Perfect.

Harry's head moved from my forehead and into the crook of my neck, where he chuckled.

"Is somebody a little hungry?" He asked and I turned away as my cheeks blushed over.

"Don't blush love. Let's go ask the lads if they want to get some dinner with us, yeah?" With that I got up off of his lap and he tossled his curls. He placed one of his on my lower back as he led me out of the room and to where the boys were patiently waiting.

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