Chapter 18

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The night was sadly coming to an end, which meant I would have to take Shay home. Yes, I know she lives not even two seconds away from me, but I still wish she didn't. I wish she could be with me all the time. Wow. I sound like the most clingiest person in the world right now, but I have no shame. Shay was finally my girlfriend and I was going to spend as much time possible with her. Judge me. I don't care .

After our time at the park, we decided that it was getting late and that we should be getting home. The drive back didn't take too long and we arrived back at the house in no time. Once I shut off the car, I went around to Shay's side to help her out.

"You never fail to impress me." Shay laughed and I took a hold of her hand to help her out of the car. I led her up the steps and onto the porch. I stopped and turned her around and grasped her other hand with mine and pulled her in closer to me.

"Well this is my stop." A smirk found its way on my face

"HA-HA Harry, your such a jokester." She lightly flicked me in the arm and smiled at my some-what joke that I found funny.

"Well I hope you had fun tonight, because I definitley did, girlfriend." I just couldn't resist and it felt so good to say it.

"Don't worry. It was the most fun I've had in a very long time, boyfriend." Shay stuck out her tongue and smiled. I pulled her close into my chest and gave her a big hug.

"Well I am glad. To be quite honest, I was so nervous about tonight." I spoke while looking down at our clasped hands, that were lazily hanging by our sides.

"Awe, why was little Harry jealous?" Shay pinched one of my cheeks, I think she thinks I'm joking, but I'm not.

"No, I'm not joking. Seriously. I was so worried you weren't going to like it, or me, for that matter. And I am definitley thrilled by how things turned out tonight. Wouldn't you say?" A devilish smirk appearing on my face.

"Awe. Well, again, it was perfect. I loved every minute of it. Oh, and me too." With that she planted a small kiss on my cheek. But I wanted more.

I tilted her head up so that our eyes were aligned. Those eyes, so captivating. I started to dip my head, and her the same, until I felt her delicate lips on mine. The kiss was nothing big, but just enough. Shay slowly pulled away.

"Goodnight Harry. I'll see you tomorrow." She smiled and turned around and walked back into the right side of the house.

It never fails, every small touch from her sends small tingles all through my body and lights me on fire, every single time. I have no idea how she does it, but she does.

Once I saw she safely made it into the house, I walked over and opened the door to they boys and I's place. I was greeted my five boys who were are grinning like Cheshire cats. Odd.

"So, Harry, lad, how was the date?" Louis piped up. Normally, this would be his way to try and embarrass me, but it's not working this time.

"Good. Great actually. I asked Shay to be my girlfriend." Holding my chin up high and a amused grin on my face. The boys seemed to be a little shocked. One, because I openly told them how my date went without them having to force it out of me and two, that I asked Shay to be my girlfriend. To be honest I bet they were least expecting two, asking Shay to be my girlfriend. Most people see me as a guy who just likes to mess and shag around with a ton of girls and for the longest time that's what I thought I wanted too. But something came into my life and changed that, Shay. I feel as if I am finally ready to settle down into a relationship and be serious.

I eventually went on to tell the boys the whole entire date. The boys even threw in a couple of 'ew' and 'aws' throughout my speaking.

"Oh man Harry, finally off the market, eh?" Niall commented as I just finished explaining how everything went down.

"Yep I am." I nodded my head and smiled at the boys who sat in front of me.

"Well, we all approve. We've only hungout with Shay a couple of times, but we already all love her. She's a very nice girl. We are all happy to see you happy. Let's just all hope she can control you Haz, eh?" Liam said and I just shook my head in laughter.

"The only thing I'm saying is you better treat her well Harry, like a princess. I feel like Shay and I are becoming very close, almost like she is my sister, and you know what that means. Don't be a dick and mess this up or break her heart. You both seem to like each other, alot, so just treat her very well." I nodded in confirmation of the little speech Louis just gave.

Louis' right. I'm going to treat her so well, more than a princess, a queen because she deserves nothing but that and I'll spend all of my time showing her just how special she is to me.

******Sorry for the short chapter! I plan on updating tonight again. Chapter 19 will be Shay's POV of after the date. Well don't forget to vote & comment!!!!! THANK YOU!!!******

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