Chapter 14

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After Harry and I's conversation last night about our feelings, I went back up into my house and shut the door. The minute I shut the door I started doing all of these weird dance moves and started yelling and squealing. Only soon after to be reminded by the sound of the boys door shutting, which made me slightly embarrassed that somebody could have heard my mini party that I was just having.

I went to sleep last night with only one thing on my mind, actually two: my date with Harry tomorrow, for which I was over the moon about and just Harry.


I stood there on the driveway, just frozen to the spot, watching Shay until she got into the house and locked the door. Thats when I decided that I too, should be getting inside to get some rest for my date tomorrow with Shay.

As I was walking up the steps, I stopped when I heard something coming from Shay's side of the house. I heard squealing and fumbling around in her house. I couldn't do anything but laugh at her cute reaction to our date tomorrow. And I hope she knows I feel the exact same way too, except I don't think I am going to jump around like that or I will get a ton of shit from the boys. So I decided against it. I got to the door, opened it and stepped inside, to be greeted by the boys.

I closed the door, all of the boys eyes on me as I did so. Closely watching my every move until one of them spoke up.

"So Harry, what was all of that out there?" Louis questions, raising his eyebrows up and down at me awaiting my answer.

"I. I asked Shay if she wanted to go out on a date tomorrow night." I looked down at my shoes because I know that I couldn't look at any of them in the eyes without getting all red in the face or without them seeing how embarassed I was. I wasn't in no way shape or form embarassed of Shay, I was embarassed that I asked a girl out. I've never really done that before.

"Well, well, well. It seems like Harry has actually found somebody who he fancies, ALOT. And somebody who fancies him back. " I swear if Louis keeps going I'm going to punch him and I won't regret it.

"Awe little Harry's going on a date tomorrow, an actual one. Not one set up my management or because he just wants to have a quicky with the girl after, just because he truly likes her. I like this 'new' Harry." Okay Zayn. Thanks for that.

"How sweet." Liam pipes up and I give him a glare. If looks could kill, I'm positive that most of the boys we be dead by now.

"Oh and if you don't mind me saying Harry, shes a very hot one, and a fit one too." I immediately feel very protective over her and I don't want the boy to be saying stuff like that about her.I think they should respect her as much as I do. I know they do there just trying to embarass me right now, it's working too.

"I mean have you seen the arse on her?! Man the way she swings her hips when she walks. Mmm." Okay. Thats done it Niall. I would have jumped the chance to talk about the boys about stuff like this before about girls, but I feel different about Shay. Very different, and I don't feel it's right for us to talk about her like this.

Everybody breaks out into laughter and I stay there with a straight face, trying so hard not to smile. I don't find this funny or amusing. Though, I can't deny that she has a nice arse. I've seen it before, like today when we went to get dinner or when she was walking up the steps to the house, I was starring. It was really hard not to. She was fit, so fit. Niall was absolutely right. Anyways, that's beside the point though.

"Okay, okay. That's enough tormenting for one night, don't you think boys?" The boys all nod their heads, myself included as well. With that all of the boys leave the doorway and make their ways back to whatever they were doing before I came in the door.

Louis gives me a knowing look and I do the same. Sometimes with Louis I don't even have to say anything, the same with him, and we just know what the other is thinking. It's quite weird that we can understand what the other is thinking by just doing that, but we can and I think thats what makes us such good mates.

I head to my room that's on the first floor and automatically strip of my clothes so that I'm just standing in my underwear and crawl into bed. I pull the covers up to my neck and nuzzle my head into my pillow and let sleep take me into its unknown world.

**The Next Morning** (still Harry's POV)

I wake up to the cool air hitting me from my fan that's on the ceiling. I reach down to grab the covers that I must of kicked off myself while I was sleeping last night, and pulled them up just enough to cover my stomach.

I reached over and uplugged my iPhone, that was resting on my bedside table and clicked the home button. The screen lite up with a picture of me and the boys at one of our concerts in America and a notification.

It was a test message from Shay;

Hey. Excited for our date tonight, I hope you are too :)

My heart warmed just from reading those words. God, I'm really starting to get real feelings for this girl. I'm excited and a little scared too at all of these feeling that I am begining to feel. I quickly typed up a message and responded to her.

Morning love. I am beyond thrilled for our date. Can't wait to see you.xx

With that I rolled out of bed and headed for the shower. The only thing currently occupying my mind was the date. It needed to be perfect, it has to be perfect. Shay's perfect, and it can't be anything less than that.

*****Please vote for this story I would really appreciate it! OH! And thanks for everyone who has read this story so far! I hope you like it && if anybody has any views or ideas about this story, feel free to message me anytime. THANK YOU*****

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