Chapter 17

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We were still at the warehouse sitting in the same spots as we were a hour ago. Since then, the meal that I had ordered for us had come out and we ate. I asked the caterer to make us Fettuccine Alfedo because it had always been one of my favorite meals. I couldn't even count on my fingers how many times Shay had said how good the pasta was and I'm glad she liked it because all of this is for her. Good pick on my part aswell. I'm trying to impress her. Louis was right from the start, I do fancy her, a ton. Man, that boy, he knows me better than anyone, even myself.

After we finished eating, Shay and I talked for a while more just talking about our childhoods and what not. I discussed going on the "X-Factor" and told her all about how my career started and how far we have come since then. I told her how it's been almost four years since we have all been put together and were loving every minute of it. We were put together on July 23rd, 2010 and it's now the begining of June, so were coming up on four years, that's insane. She said she didn't believe that the lads and I have only known each other for four years, she said we all seemed like brothers. We all our brothers, just from different mothers. I also told her how hard it can be sometimes because of how demanding out schedule is, but I said that it's always nice to know that at the end of the day your living your dream and that you have four other boys who are going through the exact same thing , so it's easier that way.

She agreed with me on the topic of having the boys with me. She went on to tell me about her family and how she used to live in Corolla, North Carolina. I've never been there before, from what she's saying it sounds so nice and quiet. She said that there are some tourists down there, but the town she lives in is fairly quiet. I like quiet, I crave it. It sounds like a neat place, maybe I should visit sometime.

We sat and talked for a while longer until I told her there was one more place that we needed to go. She didn't question me she just went with it. We both thanked the caterers for the amazing meal and we walked out to my car. 

On the way out to my car, we were walking side-by-side and our hands kept bumping into each others. After about the third time of it happening, I decided I should do something instead of just letting them bump into each other.  So I went for it. I reached out and grabbed her hand and interlocked our fingers. She stopped walking and looked down at our hands that were know intertwinned. Shay smiled and then stood up on her tippy toes and placed a small, but sweet, kiss on my left cheeck.   

"Your blushing." She spoke, looking up at me from where she stood. I couldn't deny it though, it seems like the simplest things she does make me feel this way.  This time, I leaned down at her and studied her facial features. Her hazel eyes that seemed to always look so bright and full of life, her long eyelashes that surrounded them, and the tiny freckle that she had on the middle of her nose that stood out amongst the all of the others. She was beautiful, there was no denying that.

"Your so beautiful." I said with the most sincerity in my voice. Shay batted her eyelashes and looked down at the ground. I titled her chin up with my hand and looked her in the eyes. She and I both, simultaneously, started edging our lips closer together. She placed both of her arms around my neck and mine were both on the small of her back, lightly pushing her into me. I couldn't take it anymore, so I closed the gap between us and felt her lips on mine. Her lips were so soft and delicate feeling against mine, and I loved them. Though, we didn't use tongue this time, it was just purely lips, but it was just as magical.

We both pulled back from the kiss and I rested my forehead on hers, both of us trying to regain some air.

"There's one more spot that I want to take you before tonights over, yeah?"

"Okay." Shay bit her lip upon answering. Damn she should really try and not bite her lip, it's such a turn on for me. I swear I'm getting hard just from looking at her doing it.


After our small makeout session, I guess you could call it that, he took my hand in his and led me to the his car.

We got into the car and he helped me in and shut the door for. Harry made his way around to his side of the car and got in and started up the car. I wonder where were going. He never really said exactly, he just said there was somewhere else he wanted to take me.

"Harry?" I looked over to him, while he was focused on driving.


"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. Were going to a park called Chesnut Creek. It's just down the road a bit further. " He chuckled and I, the same.

We pulled up to the park and it seemed so quiet and abandoned. To be honest it was kind of weird. Harry helped me out of the car and we started to walk down a path that led us deeper into the park.

"Harry, did you bring me here so that you could kill me?" I asked with an amused expression, with one eyebrow raised at him.

"Yep. You caught me. What am I gonna do know?" He said sarcastically and I laughed.

He stopped walking when we came across a small bench in the middle of the park, that was surrounded my trees and he sat down. I sat down next to him and he put his arm around me. We sat in quiet for a few minutes until I decided to break the silence.

"So why are we here?" I asked him.

"Well I brought you here because it's very quiet and very private." Was he embarassed that we were on a date. I was confused.

"I-I don't mean it like that, it came out totally wrong. What I meant to say was this is where the boys and I would come to get some peace and quiet or if we wanted to just clear our minds. It gets hard sometimes with fans and paparazzi always following you around. I'm never alone, there are always people who seem to know exactly where I'm at, at all times.  But luckily nobody really knows about this park so I come here alot at night to just sit here and look up at the stars. Oh, and because it's quite the romantic spot. Wouldn't you say?" Yes, I would have to say it is. I mean the stars look so pretty from here. There all sparkling and twinkling up in the massive sky.

"That it is, that it is." He smiled at me and scooted in closer to me.  He tilted his head to look up at the stars that hung in the sky. I followed suit.

"There so beautiful, look at all of them up there. There's so many." I said while my gaze was solely fixed upon the stars.

"Yeah, just like you." I looked back down and over to Harry who was watching me intently. I was left speechless, I had no clue what to say.

"I don't know what to say." I told him looking at him in the eyes. He was still starring at me.

"Just tell me one thing, alright?" I nodded my head in confirmation.

"Will you erm, be m-my girlfriend?" He asked with a little bit of uncertainty in his voice, but tried to recover by smiling at the end of the question.  Again, I was left speechless. I mean yes, I want to be his girlfriend. Boy, do I want to be his girlfriend. But we haven't even known each other for that long whatsoever. But I know there's something about him that makes me feel so safe and secure when he's with me. Just like at dinner tonight when I opened up to him about what my uncle did to me. I've never felt safe enough or felt like I trusted anybody enough to tell them. But with Harry I did.


"Really? You'll be my girlfriend??!"

"I said yes, didn't I?" I said and he stood up and started jumping around and grabbed me by my hand and lifted me up onto my feet and brought me into a huge hug. He leaned his head in and he brought his lips down to mine. His lips were the perfect mix of softness and plumpness and they felt amazing on mine. He swipped his tongue on my bottom lip asking to permission to let his tongue into my mouth and I granted him access by opening my mouth. I immediatley felt his tongue start circling my own. This is perfect, tonight was perfect, he was perfect. It all felt too good to be true.

"I'm so happy your mine" He said and wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me ontop of him to sit on his lap. He brought us back over to the bench and sat us down. That's where we sat all night, looking up at the sky, intrigged by all of the stars and just holding each other. I don't think it gets any better than this.

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