Chapter 7

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Today's the day. The day that I'm leaving. I woke up to the sunlight slightly creeping in through my blinds to the left of my bed. I turned over to take a look at my alarm clock at is said it was 9:20. Perfect I have time to get ready and make my way on the road at a decent time.

If your wondering today is a Friday. So that may not be the ideal time to leave because alot of travelers will be coming into Corolla, but it will have to make do because I really want this.

I walk into the bathroom and take my wash rag and run it under the faucet to get it damp. I wipe off my face and my eyes to get all the gunk off. Squeezing toothpaste onto my toothbrush I start to brush my teeth while I hum a song in my head. I don't really remember the name of the song it just went something like this;

"I take her home, I drive all night to keep her warm and time if frozen."

I heard it on the radio the other day while I was on my way to class. It's super catchy those lyrics have been constantly replaying themselves in my head. I wish I knew what the name of the song so then I could just search it on iTunes and download it but that'll have to wait.

I made my way downstair to find my mom and Jade sitting around the table, both sipping on some coffee. "Hey babe, are you excited?" Mom spoke with complete enthusiam laced inbetween her words. I could tell she was excited to see me find myself the same way she had years before. "Yeah I'm excited just a little gittery. I think I'm just nervous." And that was the truth. I am nervous what if I go everywhere I thought that could possibly make me happen and it not happen. And then me have to come back to North Carolina after stressing the fact that I needed to get out of here only to be back again. I would look like a complete ass. Well I guess thats just a risk that I'll have to take. This is what you want. My subconsious reminding me just as I started to look into things to deeply.

"You'll be fine. You always have been. And if something happens, you always know who to call." Looking over to Jade she was looking at me with simple smile.

"Well I think I'm going to run upstairs to get my bag and then I'll be off. I'll be right back." I went upstairs and grabbed my bag, I was nearly at the door when something inside of me made me stop dead in my tracks. I turned around and looked at my room. Wow 20 years I've lived in here, so many good and bad memories from this room. My stomach started to turn. Stop it. Think positive. I'm ready to make so many more happy memories.

I walk down the steps and over to the front door where mom and Jade are waiting patiently. Mom embraces me in a hug. Whispering quietly into my ear so that just I could hear her.

"Honey I'm so happy and proud of you. I hope you find what your looking for. And remember what I said a few nights ago; Once you find someone worth keeping don't ever let them go. And I know you may not understand that know, but when you eventually find that person you won't even think about these words that I said it will just happen and then you won't have to worry about not understanding this anymore because you will know exactly what I mean in that time. I love you more than you know Shay." Mom disengaged herself from the hug and gave me a quick peck on my cheek.

Jade was the next to pull me into a hug. I nuzzled my head into her neck, the way I always used to when I was younger. It always felt so comforting. "Shay, have fun and call me everyday. I'm gonna miss you so much. But I love you and get outta here before I cry seeing by baby sis leaving. Okay, I love you."

"I love you so much, Jade. And don't worry about me calling you I'm sure that i'll get bored being by myself the whole time so yes, I'll be calling you quite alot. Well I better get going know." I pulled back from the hug and look at the two people who meant the most in the world to me gave them one last smile and a quick "I love you" and made my way out to my car. I put my bag into my passenger seat and ran around the front of the car and got in the drivers seat. Put the car keys into the ignition and started the car up.

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