Chapter 13

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We all packed in my black Range Rover and decided to go In-n-Out Burger to grab a bite for dinner. I drove and Shay sat in the passenger seat, while the rest of the boys packed into the back. I pulled out of the driveway and started onto the road. We were on the road for a little when I took one of my hands off the the steering wheel and went over to grab Shay's hand that lay in her lap. As I was just about to grab her hand and hold it in mine, I remember something: me and Shay weren't anything to each other, we were just friends.  I slowly started to retract my hand until something pulled at it. It was Shay. She grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers and let both of our hands lay in her lap.

I stared out at the road and focused back onto my driving, but not without wearing a smile from ear to ear and a pink tint forming on my cheeks. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Shay and she was smiling contently, looking down at our hands that were locked together. I could tell she was blushing too, but that only made the butterflies that were already erupting in my stomach, flutter even faster.

The boys were being very quiet in the back seats, actually too quiet. I took a look up in my rear view mirror and saw that they all were making kissy faces and blowing kisses and me. I knew Shay could sense my body when it went rigid because as soon as my eyes went back onto the road her right hand was brought upon my hand and she starting rubbing my knuckles, at a slow, circling speed, that seemed to soothe me. We barely knew each other and she had such an effect on me. A calming and reassuring effect that seemed to make all my worries in the world seem like tiny granulas of sand, though she had no idea she hand this power.

The boys stopped the teasing once we arrived at In-N-Out. I unbuckled my seatbelt and opened my door to get out, all of the boys filing out of the car aswell, but then I ran over and before Shay could open the door by herself, I opened it for her and offered my hand. She blushed slightly by my action, my graciously took my hand that was waiting for hers.

When Shay and I entered the restaurant the boys were already waiting in line to order and gestured us over to them.

"So have you ever been here before?" I asked the question and the second it came out of my mouth, I realized how dumb my question was. She's never been to LA so, NO she's never been to In-N-Out. "Sorry that's such a dumb question haha, I was just trying to make conversation." Shay shook her head and laughed at me fumbling over my words.

"It's okay, really. Haha it wasn't dumb it was cute, you trying to make conversation." She looked up into my eyes with her hazel ones, cupped my face with one of her miniscule sized hands and then placed a small, delicate kiss on my cheek. I blushed at the sensation. Just with one chaste kiss on my cheek,shay had lit my insides on fire. I've never once felt something like this for a girl, ever. But it seems that Shay just changed that.


Right after I placed a small kiss on Harry's left cheek, something inside of me seemed to ignite. I don't know what it was or why it happened, but I definitley felt something. It was like an electrical current was sent from the very top of my head, the whole way through to my toes and then I felt like a thousand of butterflies errupt in the pit of my stomach and they wouldn't go away even when I tried so hard to supress them deep down inside. My subconsious kept secretly whispering stuff to me. 'You like Harry, Shay.' My subconsious kept repeating to me. No, I don't think I can like him. Definitley not. Nope, I can't. Somebody like him, won't go for a average girl like me, never. But I couldn't not admit it to myself that I liked him because if I didn't my subconsious would never stop the constant tormenting. So I did. I like Harry. Plain and simple, I just kinda hope he feels the same way too.


I don't know how long I can keep this feeling supressed. I keep trying to push and push it down and try to forget about it so that I won't have to feel it, but it never seems to fade. It comes back everytime I look at her. It's everything about her that makes me feel this way, her brown hair that falls to her shoulders that has a slight natural wave, the way when she laughs and her eyes lightly twinkle, or the way her lips turn up at the sides when a smile finds its way across her face, or the way she picks at her fingernails when she's nervous, or the way her eyebrows go up and her eyes close shut when she laughs.

During dinner I chatted lightly with the others during my waging war inside of my head and heart. Shay kept in conversation the whole time with all of the boys especially Louis, who when they were talking he would look my way and she the same, and they would both smile and bursts into fits of giggles. I wondered what they were talking about, I mean it was obviously me, but I didn't want Louis telling Shay anything embarassing or anything that could possibly make her stray away from me.

On the way home I was quiet as I drove through the streets and back to our house. We pulled into the driveway and everybody got out and made there way up the steps. I was stragling behind, after the boys, when a tiny hand took ahold of my arm and pulled me around to face them. Shay. She was standing before me with a questioning look etched upon her face.

"Um, Harry, what's wrong? You were really quiet on the way home.. and I-I just wanted to make sure that you were okay. Are you?" Her grasp still around my arm. Big hazel eyes boring into my green ones.

"Yeah, sorry I didn't mean for you to take it like I was upset with you or something, it's definitley not that. I was just in my own mind, I guess." Shay nodded her head.

"Oh what about?" That's the one thing that I hadn't wanted her to ask. Because out of all the things I'm supposedly known for, lying wasn't one of them and I wasn't good at it whatsoever.

"I-I don't know how this is gonna sound, probably kinda weird and a little crazy, but I like you and I know that we've only known each other for a couple of days but you make me feel so different. Like I've never once felt the way that I did today when you kissed my cheek, it felt like something sparked inside of me and I couldn't shake that feeling. I mean if you do like me back, I don't think I'm exactly ready for a relationship yet, but if you would give me the chance I would like to take you out to a dinner where it's JUST the two of us and nobody else and maybe we could see where this goes...uh, only, only if you feel the same way?" I kind of asked it as a question, kind of not. My hand was placed onto the back of my neck, rubbing away at it.

"Wether it sounds weird or it's too soon or whatever, I like you too. And when I kissed your cheek today, yes, something definitley sparked within me and it replayed in my mind all day." I let out a heavy breathe, that I hadn't realized I had been keeping. I nodded, telling Shay to continue.

"Oh and I would love to go out on a date with you to dinner, just the two of us, if that's what your asking." She suddenly stepped closer, I realized and I spoke up.

"Y-yes, that's what I mean, a date. Will you go out on a date with me Shay?"

"Yes, I will." She smiled at me and it felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off of my chest. I stumbled over my next few words.

"I'll um, pick you up at 7 tomorrow night, yeah?"

"That sounds great. I'll be there. Goodnight Harry." And with that she stood up on her tippy toes and placed a swift kiss upon my cheek and turned around and walked up into her side of the duplex. I was left standing there, my knees weak and my heart beating at a rapidly fast pace all because of the one person who hand such power over me. And her name was Shay.

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