Chapter 9

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So just to catch you up. I've been in the car for a while making my way from Arkansas and edging towards the border between Texas and New Mexico. I've been driving for quite a while. I've stopped once or twice to stretch my legs or to take a toilet break, but other than that I've been driving. Listening contently to my radio along the way.

After driving a few more hours I had finally made my way to Arizona and decided that I would be spending my night here. Arizona was alot of deserts and deserted land. Oh and dry and hot. Very hot. Hotter than North Carolina that's for sure.

Mum called me once to make sure I was safe and okay. We talked for a little bit until my phone rang and told me somebody else was on the other line. It was Ben. Oh my gosh if feels like I haven't talked to him in forever. I quickly bid mum a goodbye and hung up to answer Bens call.

"BEN. Omg I miss you and it hasn't even been a week. What the heck. How is everything going over there? Okay I hope? How are you?" I heard Ben cackle on the other end of the phone.

"Woah so many questions Butterfly. But yes, I miss you too. And things are going okay. Nothings changed really. Just you not being here is all. I'm okay too just tired a bit and hungover. I have the worst fucking headache ever." He groaned and I just tried to hold in my laugh. Which was not easily contained.

"Ha Ha. Not funny Shay. My head is throbbing."

"Then I guess you shouldn't of got plastered then, huh?" He just growled. Typical Ben. Always drinking a little to much. I guess some things never change. Haha.

"Well, I was just calling to make sure everything so far has been good and to make sure that your safe." I nodded my head only to realize that he couldn't see it.

"Yep. Everythings been going good. I like it so much. I don't feel like I'm stuck anymore. It's seriously the best feeling. Like it feels freeing." Even though I couldn't see him. I could feel him nodding in agreement.

"Okay well. I'm gonna go then. I should really focus on the road and trying to find a hotel because It's getting late. Thank you for calling. I really appreciate it."

"You know it's the least I could do. But I'll talk to you later. Call me when your settled."

"Oh Ben, I almost forgot. I think I'm going to buy an apartment in California. I think that's where I'm gonna settle down. I saw a billboard for it and I don't know but something like clicked inside of me and if just felt right. So when I get to my next hotel I think I'm going to call this land lords number I have and see if he has any apartments open for rent or maybe that I could buy." The line went quite for a while. Probably Ben just thinking about what I had just told him.

"Omg that's so good. I'm so happy you've decided on where you wanna go. I hope it's everything you wish it too be."

"Me too. Well I really have to go this time. I'll talk to you later. Bye Ben."

"Bye." And with that I ended the phone call and got focused back onto the road.

Soon I ended up arriving at a hotel I yet again saw signs for on the highway. So I just drove to it.

The hotel I pulled up to was called 'The Boulder'. The hotel was fairly large and very outdoorsy looking. I shut off my car and made my way to the front sliding glass doors.

I walked over to the front desk and was greeted by a man who looked to be around my age with blonde hair and the cutest brown eyes.

"Hello beautiful and welcome to 'The Boulder' what can I help you with today?" He starred at me intently while awaiting my answer.

"Hi. Um I was wondering if I could book one of your rooms for the night."

"Yes, hold on let me check the availability of all of the rooms." The boy was taping away on the computer keys.

"Okay babe, it looks like we have a couple of single, double, or triple bedroom rooms or we have a deluxe suite on the top floor. What will it be?"

I contemplated on what room I wanted for a couple of seconds. Who the heck cares why not go all out and get the biggest room even if it is just me that will be in it? It will be more fun and just why not?

"Yeah, I'll take the deluxe suite."

"Alright babe, would you like to pay now or in the morning? "

"In the morning should be good. Thank you." With that he handed me my key card and bid me farewell and I found my way to the elevator.

I got into the elevator and clicked the number 20 which was the floor my suite was on according to the boy at the front desk. When the elevator had dinged I knew that it was my cue to get off the elevator. Right when the doors opened I saw the same green eyes I had seen last night back in Arkansas.


And there she was. The same girl from last night at the hotel back in Arkansas. She stood looking up at me with those big greenish/brown eyes that made you melt the second you looked into them. She wore little denim shorts with a white and black striped tank top which showed the very smallest bit of her tummy. Harry stop starring at her and say something to her, by subconscious adds.

"Erm, hi it's Harry the guy that accidentally ran into you last night." I reached my hand to the back of my neck and rubbed it in nervousness.

"Oh yeah. And no it wasn't your fault about last night I have no clue where I was going and I just looked up and bumped into you. It was just equally both our faults I guess. Haha we'll just got with that, yeah." She was gazing at me with a small smile tugging at her lips. When her eyes met mine I couldn't help but smile back at her. How could you resist.

"Yeah we'll go with that. Haha. So whats your name? I didn't really get to ask you that yesterday." She then stepped out of the lift and the doors closed behind her. We stood to the right of the lift doors just talking.

"My names Shay. Haha." Shay slightly blushed.

"Love, there's no reason to blush. Shays a lovely name. No need to be embarrassed." My lips pulled up into a slight smirk while Shays face only got redder. It was cute. Thinking about it now, when was the last time I actually talked to a random girl who wasn't a part of my family, management or Louise that hadn't freaked out because they knew I was Harry Styles. To answer that, nobody. Thats what made this girl so much more unique and interesting. I decided to speak again.

"So what brings you out to Arizona on this fine night?"

"Oh well I left my home in North Carolina because I wasn't happy and decided to just pack up and travel until I found a place that felt like home and made me happy. And as of right now I'm in this hotel here in Arizona because I was tired from my long drive and needed a place to stop at before continuing tomorrow morning." Hmm I would of never guess that.

"What about you? What brings you here to Arizona in this same very hotel on this very night?" Shay giggled a little while asking the question.

"Erm actually I'm in a bo-" I was cut off by the sound of marimba blaring through the speakers on my phone.

"Uh could you excuse me for like 30 seconds?" She nodded her head lightly and I walked over to the opposite side of the lift doors. It was Liam that called and he was asking where I was and that I should get back to our room because it was getting late and we were heading out onto the road early in the morning tomorrow. Little does he know I'm still on our floor and I didn't even get to go get my ice cream like I had begged for hours earlier. But it didn't bother me one bit that I was still up her with Shay. The mysterious girl from the previous night. I eventually pressed 'end call' and walked over where Shay was waiting patiently.

"Uh that was one of my mates and he said that I should get back to our room. So I guess I should get going then, yeah?"

"Yeah me too. I'm dead tired. I'll see you around." And with that she picked up her bag she had tossed onto the ground and put in back over her shoulder and turned around and walked down the hallway. Leaving me totally wrapped up in this girl named Shay that I hardly knew anything about but leaving me wanting to know everything about her.

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