Kim Mingyu

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Mingyu POV

"Oh! I'm so sorry!"

I looked up, only to look back down, and see the victim of my unfailing clumsiness. There, before my eyes, stood the most beautiful person I have ever laid eyes on. Not only was he the most beautiful person I've ever seen, he was the shortest too. He had fluffy, light brown hair, dark chocolate eyes, and the softest-looking features on his face. To say he was perfect was an understatement, and I had just poured coffee all down the front of his sky-blue shirt.

"Look I'm really sorry, I..."

He cut me off by placing his hand in the air, motioning for me to stop talking. He then proceeded to shake his head and smile lightly. All before walking away, leaving me to stand gawking in the direction he left.

After replacing my caramel macchiato (with extra vanilla and hazelnut), I left the tiny coffee shop and headed towards the equally tiny library where I had managed to land a part-time job. As I walked towards the building, I got a whiff of that musty old book smell I had become so accustomed to. As weird as it may sound, the library had become home to me, along with my hard-headed boss Hakyeon. Don't get me wrong, Hakyeon is an amazing guy, but one fuck-up and you'll be running for your life.

"Hey Mingyu! How are you today? Any gossip?" he said with a sparkle in his eyes.

Hakyeon and his love for drama. I rolled my eyes before casually replying.



"I'm just playing. I got nothin'."

Hakyeon didn't find that as funny as I did. At least that's the impression I got when he sulked away with a loud grumble. I chuckled to myself as I headed to the back room and set my backpack down on the dusty oak table like usual.

The day continued as normal until finally, it was time for me to leave. As I was walking back home I remembered my encounter with the small boy from the coffee shop. I hope I'll run into him again soon.

~ ~ ~

A few days later I found myself sitting on my best friend, Lee Seokmin's couch. Seokmin is a character, to say the least. Tall, handsome, cheerful, caring, hard-working. Those are just a few descriptive words that fit him. Seokmin and I have been close ever since kindergarten, and like any best-friend relationship, we know everything about each other.

I was currently telling him every detail of the day when I had run into the attractive stranger at the coffee shop. You see, I can't quite get him out of my head. No matter how hard I try, and Seokmin has always been good at helping me sort out my problems. So here I am.

"That's how it all started," I finished. My head hanging low with frustration.

"Sounds to me like you're in love Gyu," he said with that bright smile of his that I've always adored.

"Pshh, no way. I don't even know the guy," I replied.

"Whatever you say Gyu."

A small shove on my part was all it took to start a full-on pillow fight. We swung our pillows at each other as if our lives depended on it. I was busy making a plan on how to win while Seokmin recovered from my last hit, but halfway through my thoughts, I was brutally smacked across the face with a soft white pillow. Before I knew it, I was pinned down and declared the loser.

The rest of the night went on in the same light-hearted manner. We played Call Of Duty for several hours before we finally decided to settle down for a movie. Seokmin got the movie ready while I popped us some extra buttery popcorn.

When I returned I laid down across the couch, my legs on one end and my head on Seokmin's lap at the other. He immediately started to run his fingers through my hair softly, something I was very opposed to the first time he had tried it, but would never complain about now.

Not long into the movie, I felt my eyes beginning to close gradually. Between the calming movie and Seokmin's gentle hands still playing with my dark hair, I was a goner. But before I let my mind slip away and my body relax I whispered softly to my best friend.

"Goodnight Seokie, I love you."

"I love you too Gyu. Sleep well."

~ ~ ~

The following morning I woke up in Seokmin's bed, surrounded by darkness. I slowly got up and made my way to the kitchen, following my nose to the smell of eggs and bacon.

"Mornin' Seokie."

"Good morning Gyu! I hope you don't mind, I moved you to my bed this morning so I wouldn't wake you up while making breakfast," he replied, cheerful as always. I can't say that even after all these years I understand how he's always in such a good mood in the mornings.

After eating our breakfast and hopping around different topics of conversation, I gathered all my things and threw them in my bag. When I was finished, I turned around to find Seokmin with his arms open wide and a huge smile on that dumb face of his. I embraced him quickly, making sure to thank him for having me and for all of his words of wisdom from the previous night.

When we released each other he led me to the front door. As I was about to exit his apartment, he stopped me. I looked back at him confused by his actions. One eyebrow raised and a questioning look on my face.

"Gyu, one more thing before you go," he said. "I don't think you realize this, but just so you know, there's always a chance he's been thinking about you too. The boy from the coffee shop I mean."

That was all it took for me to bring him into another bone-crushing hug before finally heading home. How he always knew what to say, I'm not sure, but regardless it always managed to make me feel way better.

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