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Junhui POV

Everything and everyone is falling apart all around me.

Mingyu has fallen into a hole so deep, and I fear his only way out is Jihoon's awakening. The only problem is that even if Jihoon does wake up, there's no guarantee he'll be the same as before.

Seokmin has exhausted himself worrying over Mingyu and thus, Jisoo has exhausted himself over Seokmin. This grief we feel for Jihoon is spreading like a deadly illness.

"Jun are you okay?" Minghao asks, pulling me from my depressing thoughts.

I sigh. "No...I-I just...I don't know what to do anymore," I finish frustrated.

Minghao hugs me from behind and kisses me on the ear softly. "Maybe you would feel better if we go see Mingyu?"

"I'm not sure Minghao, I'm scared to see him. I know he'll only look worse than last time. After all, he hasn't eaten barely anything in over a month now. He only sleeps when his body can't handle anything else, and he's even stopped basic hygienic things. I don't know if I can handle seeing him like that..." I trail off.

"I know Jun," he starts, "But Seokmin is at his own breaking point, and you're the only other person that's that close with Mingyu."

"I know...I'm sorry, I'm being selfish."

"I'll go with you if you'd like. After all, I work with Mingyu, well I did," he states.

"That would be great, thank you..."

"In fact," he continues, "We could get the whole gang together and go see him. I'm sure the more people surrounding him, the better."

"Yeah...that sounds good..."

~ ~ ~

The next day, Minghao and I, along with all the rest of our friends head to the hotel Mingyu's been staying at. He left his apartment soon after going back, unable to handle being there.

All of us gathered in front of the door, Vernon knocks cautiously. "Mingyu," he starts, "We all came to see you. The whole gang I mean."

We all wait holding our breaths, until finally Mingyu opens the door. Much to my surprise, his thick, dark hair is dripping wet, and he looks as if he's just thrown on clothes to answer the door.

"Mingyu?! How are you?" Seungcheol asks.

"I-I'm uhm...I'm okay. I just took a really long shower to uhm...clear my head..." he mumbles, fresh tears sliding down his pale cheeks.

Chan rushes forward to hug Mingyu. The action only furthers Mingyu's waterworks, but he doesn't push away like he has been doing the past month. Instead, he wraps his arms slowly around Chan and hugs back. At this, fresh tears begin to fall from Chan's own eyes.

After a few minutes, Mingyu backs away and invites us all in. We all sit around then, cautiously waiting for Mingyu to come back from the kitchen with water.

As he comes back in, Minghao grabs my hand tight and whispers, "He's doing a lot better, I'm not sure how, but we should be thankful." I nod quietly in response, never taking my eyes off Mingyu.

Still pale and too thin, Mingyu sits down slowly after setting a pitcher on the coffee table.

Seokmin is the first to speak, not looking so great himself, "Gyu...are you...feeling better now?"

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