Rain Pt. 1

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Mingyu POV

It's been three weeks since Jihoon last slept over. The morning after helping Soonyoung and Wonwoo, he went home to take care of some things, and that was that.

We had only been able to see each other once in these past three weeks, and it was just for a quick coffee on my lunch break one day.

We had, in our short time together, planned another date. Our second one in general, but our first as a couple. I was excited, but as time went on, I became more and more anxious.

I feel like being around Jihoon will always be nerve racking. I constantly fear that I'll do or say something embarrassing. I just worry too much. I still have so much to learn about him, and I want to protect him the best I can despite him being older than me.

Tonight we are going to the movies, and after that we'll probably hang out somewhere. I guess I'll find out after the movie.

I took a quick shower before throwing on a pair of dark ripped jeans and a plain white t-shirt. Next, I grabbed my wallet and keys after slipping on a pair of solid black shoes.

The drive to Jihoon's was fairly quick. Upon pulling into his driveway I shot him a quick text saying I was there. A few short minutes later he was climbing into the passenger seat.

"Hi," he signed, smiling softly at me.

I couldn't resist, so I leaned over to place a kiss on his soft cheek, whispering a small hello in his ear. I leaned away to see his once light cheeks turn a dark red. I chuckled before backing out of the driveway and driving in the direction of the theater. The ride was silent, calm.

After arriving, we made our way to the line for food. Jihoon turned to me, his hands already up to sign.

"What are you getting to drink?"

"I'll just share with you," I signed back.

Sharing a drink isn't really anything special, especially when it's with your boyfriend, so naturally I didn't think anything of it. Jihoon, on the other had did. He nodded shyly, another blush covering his face. Adorable.

"I'm getting Dr. Pepper, if that's okay with you?" he signed, eyes trained on the tile beneath us.

I lifted his chin up so that his eyes would meet mine. "That's fine with me," I said with a smile on my face.

We proceeded to order and pay for our drink, popcorn, and a bag of skittles. I insisted. When we entered the theater, the trailers for soon to be released movies were already playing on the huge screen.

We tried to be as quiet as possible while moving past the other people in our row. After finally making it to our seats, we settled down and began digging into our popcorn.

The movie was about halfway over when the most cliché thing happened. I reached my hand into the popcorn bag only to grab at Jihoon's smaller one instead of the actual popcorn.

"Sorry," I mumbled. The theater was dark, but I could've sworn Jihoon's cheeks were once again changing color. I smiled softly and continued to watch the movie after removing my hand from on top of his.

Later on however, I manned up enough to take Jihoon's hand and hold it tightly in my own. A smile graced both our lips, and it stayed there for the rest of the movie.

~ ~ ~

"So," I started after the movie had finished. "Where to now?"

"Anywhere is okay with me," Jihoon signed.

I mumbled a small okay before leading him in the direction of the park. It was one of my favorite places to go to and just breathe. The park, to me, has always been a bright, exciting place in the daylight and a quiet, relaxing place at night.

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