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Mingyu POV

As soon as I had woken up, I made sure to text Jihoon the attire for the evening so he knew how to dress.

I was estatic, but also super anxious. Jihoon is way out of my league. Smart, funny, handsome, and just all around amazing. I'm just some guy that spilled coffee on him months ago and am now desperate to be important to him.

It's now 4 o'clock. I have 30 minutes before I have to start making my way to Jihoon's place. I decided that I should check myself over one last time before leaving. I did just that, then proceeded to head to my car, hands shaking wildly.

The drive to Jihoon's felt incredibly long. Maybe it was because I was a nervous wreck by this point.

I'm here

I got out of the drivers seat and walked to the other side of the car just in time to turn around and meet Jihoon's gaze.

Stunned. That's the only word I can think of to descibe how I feel in this moment. Jihoon was wearing an all black suit that matched his newly dyed black hair. He looked incredible to say the least.

I gulped as I opened his door for him after saying a weak hello. He nodded with a smile and slid in the car before I closed the door behind him.

I walked back to my side of the car and climbed in before driving to the restraunt I had made a reservation at.

The ride was silent given Jihoon couldn't speak, and I was focused on the road. I had never, before now, been glad that Jihoon couldn't speak. Even if he could I wouldn't be able to form words to hold up a conversation anyways.

My heart was beating frighteningly fast, and my throat was as dry as a desert. I don't even know if I'll be able to make it through this date without hyperventilating at this point.

I pulled into the parking lot, heading in the direction of the front doors. As soon as we made it there, people were already opening our doors, and before I knew it my car was being driven off by someone else to be parked.

Jihoon was staring in awe at the restraunt in front of us. The Red Sunset was glowing brightly at the entrance. I took a deep breath before wrapping an arm around Jihoon's waist and guiding him inside. The look of awe never leaving his face, not even as I told the hostest my name and we were lead to a table outside.

There were a ton of people inside, but luckily the porch outside was scarcely populated. This ment more privacy for our date. We were seated and told that our waiter would be with us soon, and then we were left alone.

"This place is amazing," Jihoon signed. We had practiced signing as much on our own as we had together, so we were both nearly fluent by this point. It was a nice feeling.

"I'm glad you like it," I signed smiling. Even though I could very easily reply with my voice, it ultimately felt wrong. On top of that, I didn't know how well I would be able to speak anyways.

Before we could continue our conversation an older man around fifty walked up to us and offered us each a glass of champagne.

"Oh, we're underage," I said awkwardly.

"No worry Sir. What would you like to drink instead," he asked politely.

I looked over to Jihoon who signed a quick "Water."

I looked up at the waiter. "Two waters please."

"Of course Sir," the waiter said before leaving.

"This place can't be cheap," Jihoon started with his hands. "I would've been okay with McDonald's in all honesty."

"McDonald's is no place for someone as beautiful and amazing as you," I signed without thinking too much.

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