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Mingyu POV

"So do you think you'll be able to come?" Seokie asked me from the kitchen.

"Sure, I've got nothing better to do," I replied.

Seokie had just invited me to a friend of his surprise birthday party. His name is Vernon. I vaguely recognized the name, but I for sure hadn't met him before.

"You say that as if it won't be fun Gyu," he started, "Besides, Jihoon's coming."

My eyebrows raised at that. "Really?" I questioned a little too much excitement in my voice.

"Yes really. You already know me, Jisoo, Wonwoo, and Soonyoung, and not many more people will be there besides us. It'll be fun and you know it."

I sighed, "Yeah yeah I know."

He made his way back over to the couch passing me a plate of food, and sitting down across from me with his own.

"Hurry and eat. We need to leave soon," he stated before diving into his meal.

~ ~ ~

Seokie and I were currently heading towards Jisoo's house for Vernon's surprise party. I had made sure to find out how old Vernon was turning. He would be 18, only a year younger than me.

After about 15 more minutes we finally arrived and made our way inside the large house. Jisoo's parents had healthy jobs, to say the least.

Seokie knocked two times before the door swung open to reveal a tall, handsome Chinese man around my age. One that looked very familiar for some reason.

Before Seokie could speak, I did. "Do you by any chance work at a small coffee shop nearby?"

"Yeah I do actually," he started, "Wait...are you...Mingyu was it?"

"Yeah. Oh my gosh, you're the one that always takes my order!"

He smiled. "What a small world we live in. Name's Jun by the way."

"Nice to properly meet you," I smiled back.

He stepped aside to make room for Seokie and me after they greeted each other. Man, how did I not know all these people that Seokie knew? I need to get out more.

My internal thoughts were interrupted when Soonyoung ran up to me and brought me into a bone-crushing hug. Wonwoo wasn't far behind.

Within seconds Soonyoung began dragging me around, introducing me to everyone else present. I was happy to find out that Minghao was there, he was a regular customer at the library and despite not talking much I considered him a good friend. I was also pleased to run into Jeonghan again, I didn't know him well, but he was still a familiar face.

I was also introduced to Seungkwan, Chan, and Seungcheol. Everyone was super nice, thankfully, so meeting so many new people wasn't as stressful as I had expected.

"Where's Jihoon?" I asked Seokie after meeting everyone.

"He's bringing Vernon here as we speak," he said. "Don't worry your boyfriend will be here soon."

I felt my cheeks heat up. "He's not my boyfriend," I mumbled.

"Whatever you say Gyu," he replied winking at me.

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