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Mingyu POV

"Seokie, it's time to go home," I whisper softly to said man.

He nods weakly before slowly rising out of the chair he's been sitting in for hours on end.

I can't even begin to understand what Seokmin is going through. Yes, I haven't been able to live life with my other half for months now, but I know exactly where to find Jihoon when I'm ready. On top of that, not seeing him is a choice that I made. The choice was made for Seokmin. The love of his life has been torn away from him, and by a very dangerous man.

Knowing I'll have to wait until a later date to try visiting Jihoon again, I carefully guide Seokmin out to my car with Wonwoo's help. We decided to take Seokie back to Wonwoo and Soonyoung's house, since two people will be better than one, and I have enough issues of my own.

The ride out to said couples house is quiet aside from Seokmin's muffled sobs. When we finally arrive, I get out of my car and walk around to the passengers side to help Seokmin. Wonwoo meets me there and together we guide him into the house where Soonyoung is already waiting for us with ice cold drinks and a few light snacks.

Seokmin wonders slowly over to the couch and sinks into the soft cushions. There, his tears slowly begin to cease and eventually he falls into a restless slumber.

"What are we gonna do," Soonyoung asks after sighing softly.

"I talked to the officers at the station before we left and they informed me that they already have multiple deputy's out looking for both Jisoo and the man in question," Wonwoo explains. "They told me the mans name as well, and they have an idea as to why he went after both Jihoon and now Jisoo..." he trails off, giving me a look.

"Just say it," I demand.

"His name is Hyunkyo," he starts wearily. "He used to be best friends with Minsoo, Jihoon's uncle," he pauses giving me a look.

"What?" I ask.

"He's after revenge Mingyu," Wonwoo finally says.

I stare at him in shock, not quite sure what to say.

"Wait, in that case, I understand why he came after Jihoon," Soonyoung starts. "But why Jisoo? What does he have to do with all of this?"

I hesitate, wondering if it's okay to share with them what I know, but I quickly decide that they need to know under the circumstances.

"I know why," I state, interrupting their side conversation.

"What do you mean?" Soonyoung asks.

"When Jihoon finally opened up to me about his past, he told me everything. I don't want to share any more of the story than I have to, since it isn't exactly mine to share, but I will tell you guys one thing." I pause briefly to take a deep breath.

"Jihoon's uncle, uhm...Minsoo. He wasn't a good person, and he hurt Jihoon in more than one way," I begin, ignoring the look of shock on their faces. "After all, there is a reason behind his mutism. But anyways, Jisoo is the one who found Jihoon, and after gathering enough evidence about what his uncle was doing, he called the cops and saved Jihoon's life. Minsoo was then sent to prison for life, but apparently his behavior ended up getting him killed in there anyways. I'm pretty sure Jisoo is being targeted because it's his actions that resulted in Minsoo being caught and taken away," I finish finally, sighing.

"Oh my gosh," is all they both say in response.

"I know," I start again. "It's a lot to swallow, but you guys needed to know. The only people who did were Jihoon, Jisoo, and me. While there was nothing wrong with that before, two of them are now unaccounted for at the moment."

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