My Story

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Jihoon POV

"I was sexually abused," I signed.

What came over me, I'm not sure. All I know, is that I can't keep hiding who I am from Mingyu. He has been nothing but good to me, and patient as well. So, so patient. It's time he learns the truth.

"What do you mean?" Mingyu signed back. His face was laced with worry and confusion.

"My parents died when I was only seven," I started to sign. "I was, what I thought, lucky because my uncle was able to take me in. I was sadly mistaken."

I continued to sign, explaining every last detail to Mingyu. Not even halfway through my story, tears were falling down his face. I felt aweful for dragging Mingyu through the emotional rollercoaster that is my past.

I finally reached the end, slowly lowering my hands when I was finished. I had just barely looked Mingyu in the eyes before he was holding me in his strong arms.

I wasn't crying, even after revisiting my past once more. I was too used to the painful story by now to be affected. That didn't mean Mingyu was. Unlike me, he was bawling his eyes out; loud sobs tearing from his throat. I felt terrible.

I rubbed his back reassuringly as he continued to cling to my small frame. I still couldn't bring myself to use words despite wanting so badly to.

After almost an hour of my mute soothing, Mingyu finally released me and moved to sit back in front of me. His crying had already ended moments earlier, and now he was just staring into my eyes lost in thought.

"Are you okay?" I signed. "I'm sorry. I know a story like mine is hard to take in. Especially all at once like this."

"I-I'm o-okay," he began, mumbling. "But are y-you?"

I smiled softly before signing my reply. "I'm as okay as I can be. The nightmares are really the only thing left that haunt me now."

"Is t-that why you're j-jumpy when you wake up here?" he asks, still barely audible.

"Yes, I'm sorry," I signed.

I hated how I reacted whenever I woke up in Mingyu's home. I hated the message it sent. The message that said I felt unsafe. I felt the opposite really. Whenever Mingyu would calm me down and snap me back to reality, a sense of relief always seemed to instantly wash over me.

I knew Mingyu would never hurt me. He's the first person I've trusted in a very long time. I couldn't be more releaved that he knows my past now. As hard as it is to talk about, he deserved to know. I wanted him to know.

"Jihoon? Are you listening to me?"

"Sorry, I blanked out for a second," I signed snapping back to reality.

"I said," he started, back to signing rather than speaking. "It's okay. I just...I care about you, so I want you to know that you're safe here. And despite what's happened in your past, I don't think any differently of you now. Please believe me when I say that."

That's when my own tears began to fall. "I believe you," I signed in responce.

Mingyu was quick to wipe my tears for the second time this morning. What he did next though, I wasn't expecting.

I felt my eyes flutter closed as Mingyu softly kissed me on the cheek and leaned back with a small smile across his face. My face was left on fire from the simple, but sweet gesture.

He handed me a tissue to wipe my tears with before suggesting we head to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

After eating pancakes and sausage made by Mingyu, we migrated to the couch. Mingyu covered us in the same blanket from the first night I was ever over here.

A million thoughts raced through my mind as I slowly leaned into Mingyu's side. He didn't say anything, but instead wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer. I couldn't have asked for a better person to spill coffee down my shirt all those months ago.

Mingyu POV

I woke up to the sound of a movie on netflix playing softly. I looked down to see Jihoon still in my arms.

We had laid down to watch a movie, my back pressed to the back of the couch and Jihoon's back pressed to my chest. Only now, his face was nuzzled into my chest instead.

Jihoon's story had really hit home for me. I never would've guessed that all that had happened to him, but now that I knew, I felt obligated to protect him. It wasn't me pitying him, it was me genuinely wanting to make him feel protected. I want him to feel wanted, safe, and loved, at all times.

I pulled said boy closer to my chest after kissing him on the head softly. He stirred, but settled back down almost immediately. I sighed softly and began watching the movie, patiently waiting for Jihoon to wake up.

I finished the movie I had been watching and was almost halfway through another one when Jihoon began to stir.

I looked down to see his eyes slowly open and his face begin to turn fearful. I gently stroked his hair and began to speak.

"You're safe Jihoon. It's me, Mingyu," I whispered softly.

He looked up with a small smile. I was happy that he was making progress. Maybe opening up about his fear made him feel better, or maybe it just made me more aware.

"I really like you Lee Jihoon," I mumbled not really thinking.

"I really like you too Kim Mingyu," he signed with a bright smile covering his face.

I brought him closer, if that was even possible at this point, snuggling my face into his small shoulder. His grip on me tightened, and we just laid there for as long as possible.

Later in the day, Jisoo texted Jihoon wondering if he wanted to hang out. Jihoon reluctantly agreed. Not because he didn't like Jisoo, he just wanted to keep being lazy. His words, not mine.

I, very unwillingly, hugged Jihoon goodbye before he walked downstairs where Jisoo was currently waiting in his car.

After they were long gone I decided to take a shower, not really having anything else to do and wanting some time to reflect on the days events.

When I was finished I texted Seokie. I figured since Jisoo was with Jihoon, he wouldn't be busy. I missed my best friend, and this was as good an excuse as any to hang out.

Not even half an hour later my front door was being swung open by the infamous Lee Seokmin.

"Sup bitch!" he yelled, overly perky as usual.

"Seokie!" I yelled back before running into his arms. "I missed you."

"I missed you too Gyu," he said as we moved apart, smiles plastered on both of our faces.

"Don't think I don't know about Jisoo coming here for Jihoon," he started. "What were you two lovebirds up to?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"It's a long story Seokie."

"Well, it's a good thing I don't have any plans for the rest of the day," he said with a smirk.

I sighed before explaining to Seokie that Jihoon and I had gone out on a date and that this morning he had told me about his past.

"Woah no way!" he gasped in awe. "Jihoon's never opened up to anyone. The only one that knows anything is Jisoo, and not even he knows the whole story. Jihoon must really trust you Gyu."

"What?" I asked shocked. "I thought there would be at least one other person that knew all the details."

"Nope. But Gyu, I'm so glad that you guys are getting closer. I think y'all will make a great couple one day."

I smiled at my best friend. "Thank you Seokie."

"Of course," he said returning my smile.

We spent the rest of our evening in the livingroom chatting and playing games. It was nice being able to spend some time together. The only thing that could possibly make this better being if Wonwoo were here too. Maybe we can all hang out soon.

As much of a rollercoaster as today has been, I was just glad to have all my questions answered and to spend the rest of my evening with my best friend. Overall, I'd say it was a pretty successful day.

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