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Mingyu POV

"Bye," I whispered to the shorter male in my arms before pulling away. I pecked his soft cheek lightly, smiling at the color change that took place after.

"Bye Gyu," Jihoon signed one last time.

I made my way down his driveway and to my car, soon heading off in the direction of the library. I had been staying at Jihoon's place helping him pack for the last few days, but now it was time to return back to work.

Upon my arrival, I barely made it through the large oak doors before I was tackled into a bone-crushing hug.

"Oh how I've missed you!" Hakyeon shouted, all the while forcing himself closer to me.

Not being able to help myself, I let a laugh escape my lips.

"It's not funny," he pouted, pulling away. "You've been gone for so long."

I ruffled his hair while replying, "I know, but I'm back now aren't I?"

"I guess," he huffed. I would've believed he was truly upset had a smile not found its way to his lips shortly after his remark.

"Come on, there's been a few changes. Nothing major, but I figured I'd just show you anyways," he explained.

We spent the next ten minutes covering the things that had changed in my absence. After that, I got to work restocking shelves, and checking in returned books.

The day flew by, and before I knew it I was heading back home to my apartment. As I stepped inside, I let the quiet, yet familiar setting wash over me. It was an easy day, but a long one. That made being home even better.

My calm aura quickly dissipated when I heard a loud crash come from the kitchen. Fear set in as I grabbed the closest thing to me; a pillow. I know it wasn't a logical option, but there was nothing else.

I slowly made my way towards where the noise came from, my hands shaking as my anxiety levels increased.

Taking a deep breath, I jumped around the corner and into the kitchen. I chucked the pillow as hard as I could at the person on the other side hoping it was worth something.

"OW!" the man yelled.

Wait...I know that voice.

"Seokie?" I questioned peering out of one eye.

"GYU! Did you have to throw a pillow at me?" he laughed casually. I rolled my eyes in response.

"You gave me a heart attack!" I said smacking him on the arm.

"Aww, did I scare my little Gyu?" he mocked, pulling me in for a hug. "I missed you!"

I wrapped my arms around him as tight as possible. "I missed you too Seokie," I sighed in content. I really did miss my best friend.

Remembering the noise that led me to the kitchen in the first place, I opened my mouth to pop the question.

"So Seokie," I mumbled into his shoulder. "What was that crashing noise I heard?"

"Oh yeah...that," he chuckled, now pulling away. "I opened that cabinet and cups started to fall, so I slammed it shut."

Rolling my eyes at his way of solving the avalanche-like cup problem, I laughed. "I'll just check it out later. So, what brings you here Seok?" I asked.

"I've been deprived of my Gyu for too long," he smiled sadly.

"Aww, come on Seokie, let's catch up in the living room," I replied.

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