Beach Day

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Mingyu POV

My brother Wonwoo and his crazy, perky boyfriend Soonyoung have invited everyone to the beach to celebrate their big move.

They had recently announced that they're moving back into town in order to be closer to family and friends. Wonwoo's job had moved them away, but now that he was a manager he would be traveling rather than stuck in an office. This gave them the opportunity to live wherever they pleased.

I was currently on my way to Jihoon's house with Seokie and Jisoo already in the car. They were chatting happily in the back seat as I drove quietly.

When we arrived, I honked and waited for Jihoon to come out. He did in a matter of moments and made his way to my car before hopping in the front seat next to mine.

He signed a quick hello to me and gave Seokie and Jisoo a small smile. With our greetings out of the way I began to drive once again, this time towards the beach instead.

Upon our arrival, we're all trampled by those already here. I didn't even have to carry any of the food I was in charge of bringing because everyone else was already running back to the beach and out of the parking lot with it.

As I took hold of Jihoon's hand and led him down the steps to the sand, I took note of who was already here. So far there was me, Jihoon, Seokie, Jisoo, Seungcheol, Chan, Wonwoo, Soonyoung, and Jun. We were only missing Seungkwan, Vernon, Jeonghan, and Minghao.

The four of us that had just arrived made it down to the large tarps that had been set up and began to greet everyone.

"Gyu! Good to see you!" Jun exclaimed as he pulled me into a tight hug.

"Hey Jun! What've you been up too?" I asked with a smile. The handsome Chinese boy before me was really growing on me.

"Ah, not much. Hey thanks for giving Minghao my number, we've been texting a lot lately. I'm kinda nervous to see him actually," he muttered the last part.

"Don't worry Jun. I'm sure Minghao's nervous too if you are," I reassured.

After our short conversation I went over to my brother next. We did our iconic handshake that we've been doing for years now, and I greeted Soonyoung cheerfully, happy to see the ball of sunshine that keeps my brother in line.

I turned to leave when I noticed Jihoon behind me. He had been following me to my surprise. He was so quiet that I hadn't even noticed. I just figured he had ventured off somewhere else.

"Jihoon, you don't have to follow me around. No one here will hurt you," I signed. I thought he trusted everyone here, so I was a little confused.

"I know. I would just rather stay with you. If it's okay?" he signed, blushing.

I ruffled his blonde hair and offered him a smile. He seemed to grow tired of his hair color and change it frequently. Although it has been a couple weeks since our date.

"Of course you can stay with me," I voiced softly. His cheeks turned a darker shade of red and he nodded.

I wrapped my arm around his waist and we continued to walk around, greeting everyone else here.

While I was talking to Chan and Seungcheol, Jihoon holding my arm and standing close, the infamous Verkwan couple, along with Jeonghan showed up. This ended our conversation as Seungcheol rushed away to see his boyfriend.

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