You Know Each Other?!

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Seokmin POV

I sat waiting in the booth of an arcade that's as old as I am. Waiting for my boyfriend Jisoo that is. He's always running late, but I don't mind as much anymore. I'm used to it these days.

"Min I made it! Sorry, I'm late," Jisoo said rather frantically as he slid into the booth across from me.

"No worries," I smiled at him calmly.

"I uh hope you don't mind, I brought Jihoon along with me. When I went to get coffee this morning he was just sitting there all alone and it's such a pretty day and I just..."

"Calm down Ji, I don't mind at all," I cut him off before he went on forever. "But uhm where is he?"

Jisoo smiled widely at me before looking over my shoulder and replying, "Oh, here he comes now. He was getting our tickets for the games."

The first time I met Jihoon was at an amusement park a couple of months back. It had been me, Jisoo, Seungkwan, and Jihoon, along with our friend Jeonghan and his boyfriend Seungcheol. It was a long, crazy, fun day.

I came up with the nickname Woozi for Jihoon after we got off one of the rollercoasters there. Let's just say he didn't look like he felt too good.

"Hey Woozi," I greeted him cheerfully as he sat down next to me in the booth. He nodded in my direction with a grin on his face. He was always so joyful and kind. That's one of the reasons I never mind him being around.

While I was in my own world he had pulled out his notepad and jotted something down. I quickly read over his outstandingly handwritten words. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm thinking we play Centipede first." He had always been a stickler for the old-timey games, but what can I say, so am I.

Before I could reply though Woozi had already jumped out of the booth and was racing towards the games. Jisoo and I shared a quick glance before we both bolted after him, struggling to catch up. He may be small, but he was fast.

Long story short, we played until our fingers were aching and our eyes were tired of the bright lights emitting from the screens.

When it was time to go I shared a quick kiss with Jisoo. This resulted in Jihoon pretending to gag and us both laughing our asses off. After we collected ourselves, I said I wanted to take a quick picture with them for memory's sake.

Before I got in my car to head back to my house, I hugged them both goodbye once more. What I didn't expect was that I would get a call from Gyu this late at night on my way home.

"Hey Gyu. What's up?"

"I can't sleep. I need to talk. Is it okay if I stay with you tonight?" he asked rather quietly.

"Yeah, I'm heading back from the arcade so you may get there before me. Remember where the spare key is?"


"Alright, I'll see you shortly." And with that, he hung up. Gyu seemed stressed out for whatever reason, so I didn't want to make him wait any longer than he had to.

I sped a little to get home faster. After I pulled into the driveway (a tad too fast but oh well) I rushed inside to find Gyu already curled up on my couch watching cartoons and...

"OMG GYU ARE YOU EATING MY ICE CREAM?!" I yelled scaring him half to death.

After he managed to recover from the mini heart attack I had just given him he replied, "Uh yeah sorry."

The way he answered was enough for me to quit the joking and search for answers. I sat down carefully next to him and asked if he was okay. That's when he told me everything.

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