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Mingyu POV

I slowly opened my eyes to find myself curled up on the couch with Jihoon close to my chest. I smiled fondly at the memory of Jihoon's laugh. It was stunning to say the least.

I reached for my phone on the table before checking to see that it was already 2:00 in the afternoon. I guess our nap was a little longer than intended.

"Jihoon," I mumbled while shaking said boy lightly. The only response I received was him snuggling even closer to my chest.

"Jiii~, we should get up, it's already two," I said playfully. He then shook his head 'no' without moving away from me.

I laughed lightly. He was not only showing a different, more cuddly side of himself, but he was also being very stubborn opposed to normal.

"Jiiiiiiiihooooon," I whined poking his cheek. Still nothing.

"I was gonna take you out for ice cream, but since you won't get up..."

Jihoon immediately jolted up before quickly signing, "I'm up! I'm up! Let's go get our ice cream." I laughed at his childish behavior before getting up and heading to my room.

"We have to get dressed first. I'll be right back," I yelled as I continued walking away.

After I was finished I walked back to find Jihoon sitting on the couch playing with his fingers. I tapped his shoulder lightly.

"Do we need to make a stop at your house so you can change?" I signed. Nod.

I grabbed my keys after taking Jihoon's hand and walked out the door. After we were situated in the car I drove us to Jihoon's house where he went in and changed before coming back out.

"Ready for ice cream now Ji?" I asked as he hopped back in the passenger seat.

"Of course!" he signed enthusiastically. That was my cue.

We rode in a comfortable silence, music playing on the radio softly, all the way to the ice cream parlor.

When we arrived, we quickly got out of the car before heading towards the entrance. On our way up, however, an older man approached us out of nowhere.

"Hello gentleman, would you two be kind enough to buy me a meal. I've been homeless for a while now and am quite hungry," the man explained.

There was one problem. He didn't look homeless. Sure his clothes were kind of dirty, but besides that they were in good condition. Very much unlike your average homeless man.

"Um, I'm sorry sir, but we can't help you," I said calmly. All while watching as Jihoon took a few steps closer to me.

"Oh yes, well thank you for your time," he mumbled almost angrily before sulking away.

"Are you okay?" I signed turning to Jihoon.

"Yeah...he just seemed not trustworthy to me," he signed back looking around anxiously. I did the same only to see that the man was gone.

"Come on," I signed after regaining Jihoon's attention. "Ice cream will make you feel better," I smiled.

He returned the smile, then grabbed my hand much to my delight, and we resumed our walk towards the parlor.

Once inside, our eyes wondered over the flavors until we found one to our liking. I ended up with a new flavor called Cookie Monster, whereas Jihoon stuck to original Vanilla.

We sat at a table in the corner before digging in. We didn't talk much, but that was mostly due to the ice cream being top priority at the moment. As soon as we were finished though, we began to discuss all kinds of things.

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