
363 11 4

Mingyu POV

"Alrighty, let's get the rest of this moving done with!" I exclaimed as we returned to what's now our apartment. We spent a few relaxing hours at the coffee shop, but now we needed to finish up what we'd started earlier.

"If you work on bringing in the rest of the boxes, I'll start unpacking them and putting things away," Jihoon offered after getting my attention.

"Okay sounds good," I signed in return.

As I made my way out of the apartment and down to the moving truck to grab the remaining boxes, my mind began to wonder. How did I end up in this situation? Not only am I dating the most amazing person on this miserable planet, but I'm currently helping him move in with me. And on our one month anniversary as a couple too.

I planned to somehow get Jihoon out on an errand run after we finished with moving for the day. Then while he's away, I'll make a special dinner to celebrate this past month together.

A couple hours later I found myself unloading the last box and shutting the moving truck. We would have to return it, but that could wait until tomorrow.

As I set the last box down in the living room, Jihoon walked over to me with a soft smile on his face.

"Hey Gyu," he signed. "I hate to leave, but I need to run to the store real quick for a few things if that's okay?" Well, looks like I won't have to come up with something "I need" anymore.

"Of course Ji, just be careful. Okay love?" I signed, handing him the keys to my car.

"I will," he signed before giving me a quick hug goodbye and heading out the door.

I waited for a few minutes just to make sure he didn't come back in for anything he could've forgotten, then I put my plan into action. I wasn't sure how long Jihoon would be gone, so I immediately got to work on dinner.

Once the food was ready, I set the table with a few seconds to spare before the front door opened announcing Jihoon's arrival. I let out a sigh of relief that I had finished on time before rushing to help Jihoon.

"Hey, let me take those and you can go ahead and get washed up for dinner," I suggested aloud as I grabbed the few bags Jihoon had from him.

"Okay, I'll be right back," he signed before heading to our room.

I quickly set the bags down on the couch since there was no food in any of them. That could wait I decided before returning to the kitchen to do just that, wait.

In a matter of moments I was standing up as Jihoon entered the kitchen, a look of shock soon forming on his face.

"Happy one month Ji," I signed, a smile on my face.

"Happy one month Gyu," he signed in reply. "You did all this? For me?"

"Well of course," I spoke as I pulled out a chair for him to sit. After he was seated, I returned to my spot at the table. "I hope you like it? I made Nakji Bokkeum."

He smiled, "I love it."

"Well let's eat then! We're not only celebrating our one month, but also a huge step in our relationship," I began, using sign language once more. "Welcome home Jihoon," I smiled.

~ ~ ~

A yawn escaped my mouth as I slowly awoke the next morning. I rolled over to see Jihoon still sound asleep only inches away from me. I smiled as I remembered the previous night.

After dinner, we had gone straight to bed, both with full stomachs. Throughout dinner we discussed many things, as well as filled each other in on the parts of our pasts that were left unclear.

For example, I now know how Jihoon's parents died and also that his sister has been living in a mental institution all this time. Not everyone can heal from something like schizophrenia. Soonyoung really is lucky he found so many people that were able to help him fight through it.

I, however, told Jihoon stories of my childhood with Wonwoo, Seokmin, and my mom. He had begged to know what my life was like growing up in a "happy home," as he called it. It broke my heart telling those stories to Jihoon. I could see the longing in his eyes; I know how much he wishes he could've had that growing up.

I paused recalling the night before as Jihoon began to stir awake. He slowly opened his eyes before smiling at me and tugging on my arm. I chuckled lightly as I moved closer and wrapped my arms around him.

"I don't mean to ruin the moment Ji," I began in my raspy morning voice, "But we still have a lot of boxes left to unpack."

Jihoon slowly moved back only to sign a quick "later" before snuggling back into my side.

Later finally came around, and I found myself taking the moving truck back to where it came from while Jihoon stayed behind and organized his clothes into the closet with mine.

I returned home to find Jihoon asleep once more. I chuckled to myself before placing a kiss on his forehead and then continuing to unpack and organize his things.

When I had finished, I folded up the remaining empty boxes and took them out to recycling. I then paused to look around my- our room. I still couldn't wrap my head around Jihoon living here.

I sighed, content, before going to pull out some fresh clothes. I then made my way to the shower after checking on Jihoon, who was still sleeping soundly.

After showering I situated myself in the bedroom and started a movie on Netflix. About halfway through, a tired, messy haired Jihoon stumbled into the room and into bed beside me.

He immediately curled into a ball and cuddled into my side. A small smile formed on my lips as I began to run my fingers through his soft, dark roots. The blonde was almost gone now, and this was my first time ever seeing his hair its natural color since he dyes it so often.

A couple minutes passed before I saw movement out of the corner of my eye.

"Did you sign something?" I asked softly.

"Yes," he signed, "Can you help me pick a new color to dye my hair?"

"Yes, but do you not like your natural color? I'm just curious," I replied.

"I do...I just like to change it up," he signed.


Those were the last words exchanged before Jihoon's breathing slowed and his body stilled.

I carefully readjusted him so that I could lay down as well. With his head now on my chest, I continued playing with his hair until my eyes became heavy and slowly closed.

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