From Old To New

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Mingyu POV

Today's the day! Lee freaking Jihoon, in all his glory, is moving in with me! I couldn't be happier than I am in this moment. I haven't seen him since the first day I went back to work. It's been about two weeks now.

I've spent the whole day talking about how excited I am, and I know Hakyeon and Minghao are happy for me, but I also know they're tired of hearing it. I laugh aloud at the thought.

"Aye! What're you laughing at?" Hakyeon asks annoyed.

"You're annoyance," I chuckled. Bad idea.

After a hit to the back of my head, Minghao sat down beside me.

"Can you blame him? I've heard 'Jihoon' and 'moving' so much today that I feel like he's moving in with me!" Minghao whined.

He was fitting in really well with us at the library. It was just the three of us now; very enjoyable. He was also opening up more, which was nice, and Hakyeon was as invested in Junhao as I was, so everything was working wonderfully.

"Well you don't have to hear it for much longer," I huffed. "I leave in five minutes."

"GO NOW! PLEASE!" Hakyeon begged.

"Ya know, just cause you said that," I started. "I'm gonna soak up these last five minutes."

Long story short, I spent the next five minutes annoying the duo and running for my life afterwards. They chased me to the front door the moment my shift ended, before stopping and waving bye. I laughed as I waved in return.

After getting situated in my car I began heading in the direction of Jihoon's, now old, house. When I arrived, I quickly unbuckled and rushed to the door. After knocking, the door was soon opened revealing Jihoon.

His hair was messy and his eyes seemed darker. Fear washed over me as I cupped his face.

"Ji, are you alright?!" I asked.

He nodded before pulling away and signing. "Moving is exhausting, but I swear I'm just fine." A sigh of relief escaped me.

"Here, how about I make you something to eat and then you can go rest. I'll finish moving these boxes into the truck and wake you up when I'm finished," I smiled.

"Okay, thank you," he smiled before hugging me tightly.

I chuckled at his cuteness, then kissed his head before pulling away and heading into the kitchen. It was 4:15 now, so I figured dinner would suffice.

After making enough bulgogi to feed an army, I called in Jihoon from the living room to eat. When we finished I laid down with him on the couch until I was sure he was asleep. Then I got up and began working.

Everything was already packed away for the most part. The biggest thing was moving all the boxes onto the truck outside.

I started in Jihoon's old bedroom. First I removed the rest of the posters and pictures off the wall, and then I began walking to the truck, carrying as many boxes as I could.

I did this for the next three hours before I couldn't lift another box. It was late, so I took a quick shower in Jihoon's bathroom before joining his still sleeping form on the couch once more.

~ ~ ~

My eyes fluttered open as I felt my cheek being poked continuously. I was looking at the ceiling from on the floor. That's not where I fell asleep.

I looked to my right, seeing Jihoon leaning over the side of the couch smiling at me.

"I think I may have knocked you off," he signed.

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